Woodworth Church (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger March 2, 1918 page 139 Vol. 67 No. 9 WOODWORTH, OHIO As an inspiration to the readers of the "Messenger" we wish to give a brief report of the work done at the Woodworth schoolhouse,— now the " Woodworth Church of the Brethren." About fifteen years ago a family of the Brethren moved into a vicinity where there were no other members. Realizing the need of religious teaching, we aided them in organizing a Union Sunday-school and securing speakers for services following Sunday-school, whenever possible. After superintending the work for several years, aided by others, we decided that the work was not attaining to its highest spiritual good and was not giving the people of Woodworth a church home. Desiring to put forth an effort for more definite work, and desiring an organized church here, we secured the services of Bro. O. P. Haines, of Cerro Gordo, 111., to conduct a series of meetings, beginning Jan. 22. By the combined efforts of those deeply interested in the success of the meetings, and by God's help, we were rewarded by seeing many gains for the Kingdom. Thirty-seven confessed Christ, of whom thirty-two received baptism and three await the rite. On Saturday, Feb. 9, we organized under the name of,"The Woodworth Church of the Brethren." We are in the Bethel congregation, with Bro. J. F. Kahler, of Canton, Ohio, as our elder. Sister Goldie Conry is our church clerk; Brethren D. N. Garner, H. Jackson and J. I. Byler. trustees; Bro. J. I. Byler, " Messenger" agent. Bro. Byler was installed into the ministry and he and his wife will take charge of the new flock at once. Sunday evening, Feb. 10, we held our love feast. Many were at the table who had never witnessed a like scene before, and it was indeed a spiritual meeting. Committees have been appointed to look after the Christian Workers' Meetings and other societies and departments of the church. Ruth Garver. Poland, Ohio, Feb. 16. |