White Cottage Church (Goshen) (1901-)
The Gospel Messenger May 18, 1901 page 316 Vol. 39 No. 20 Jonathan Creek.— May 8 this congregation as a whole, assisted by elders Samuel Sprankle and Tobias Hoover, met in council at the Greenwood house, Among other business was separation of the church territory into three congregations, to be known as the Jonathan Creek, Greenwood, and Goshen churches. The Goshen church to lie east of the eastern boundary line of Perry County, the Greenwood church to lie north of the Jonathan Creek also to include Glenford,—and the Jonathan Creek church south of the Jonathan creek. The official strength of the three congregations is now as follows: Jonathan Creek, one minister and six deacons; Greenwood, two ministers, and one deacon; and Goshen, one minister and two deacons. Each church has one church building, Jonathan Creek church proper met at their house May 9. Brethren Sprankle and Hoover were present to assist us. The full oversight of this congregation was unanimously tendered to Bro. Sprankle, who accepted it, Arrangements were made to hold a communion and love feast, June 8, if suitable to Bro. Sprankle, at which time a minister is to be elected. A full attendance is desired, This congregation now has a membership of nearly one hundred, one minister, six deacons, and one large meetinghouse. A number of the members are young in years and should be able to make a strong church, A. W. Dupler, Thornville, Ohio, May 9.