Swan Creek Church (West Fulton) (1870-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 8, 1870 page 700 Vo. VI No. 44 Brother Holsinger: This day being a rainy day I thought I could not pass the time in any better way than to give a brief history of our little church in North Western Ohio. It formerly belonged to the Poplar Ridge congregation. The territory was deemed too large, extending over parts of six counties. So the brethren concluded for convenience, to divide the district, which was done last spring. At that time they did not give our church a name whereby we might be known among the brethren, so we me tin council again, on the 30th of July last and at that meeting concluded to make our church known by the name of Swan Creek church. I would farther say to our ministering brethren that travel east and west, make it suit to call and pay us a visit, and assist us in the great work. We need ministerial help, although the Lord greatly blessed us in sending Elder Abraham Stutzman to our assistance. May the good Lord still send more laborers into the borders of Zion. Our church is located along the eastern end of Air Line R. R. Brethren travelling east or west will go via Cleveland, Toledo & Chicago, (considering Pittsburg and Chicago principal points,) and stopping off at Swanten or Delta, stations. The latter being my P. O. address. I lived two and one-half miles west; if made known will be met with conveyance and cared for. At the former station, Swanten, on said Air Line R. R., inquire for Brethren, and you will find them. Aaron Berkeybile. Delta, Ohio. August 14th, 1870