Silver Creek (Walnut Grove) (1874-)
The Pilgrim May 25, 1875 page 334 Vl. VI No. 21 Brother Brumbaugh: - I will inform the brotherhood how we are getting along in Williams Co., O. The territory of the church known by the name of Lick Creek, is very large, the harvest great and the laborers few. The brethren thought it necessary to call a council meeting to elect a speaker and a deacon. Bros. Jac. Lehman and Michael Shotts, and Jeremiah Gump were called to assist. The council was called on the 3nd day of April at the Brethren’s meeting-house near the city of Bryan. The lot fell on Simon Long for speaker, and Jacob Long for deacon. Here there was a council called on the 5th of April at brother Daniel Long’s in order to divide the district. The West Unity road running East and West is the line established. Then newly formed district is called the Sliver Creek District. Here there was a council called at brother Henry Throne’s on the 7th of April, to elect a speaker and 2 deacons. The lot fell upon Jesse Long for speaker, and J. H. Miller and William Lehman for deacons. These council were all well attended and everything went off in love, and the best of order. Bro. John Brown is our bishop. The speakers in the Silver Creek District are as follows: David Rittenhouse, Joseph Moors, J. W. Keizer and Jesse Long. There are 112 members in the newly formed district, and we think many more will be soon willing to stop into the fold of Christ. We have a good opening here for a strong church. Everything appears to be in a healthy condition, peace and love seems to be the ruling influence amongst the brethren and sisters. I will further say that we the brethren of the Silver Creek District have appointed a Communion meeting on Friday the 11th day of June, and to continue over Sunday. The Communion is to be held with brother John Mohler, two miles east, and one mile north of Pioneer, and four miles west and one mile north of Primrose. We extend a hearty invitation to the brethren and sisters to be with us, and especially ministering brethren. Those coming from the East on the railroad will come by way of Blissfield to Fayette, Fulton Co., and those coming from the West will stop off to Bryan. Those coming from East to Fayette, had better write to J. W. Keizer, Primrose, Williams Co., Ohio, in order to know how many want conveyances to the place of meeting, as the distance is 11 miles. Those coming from the West to Bryan had better with to David Rittenhouse, Deer Lick, Wm's. Co., Ohio, and he will convey them to place of the meeting, distance 18 miles. May the blessing of God rest upon us all. J. S. Keizer. Primrose - O.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 1, 1889 page 6 Vol. 27 No. 1 Silver Creek Church, William Co., Ohio Walnut Grove meeting house dedicated Nov. 11, 1888 |