Poplar Grove Church (1903-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 28, 1903 page 764 Vol. 42 No. 48 Popular Grove. – Some time ago the Union City church met in council and divided our church district, leaving the south end of the district unorganized. So we, a little band of workers, met to organize our church last Saturday. Bro. A. Brumbaugh and Bro. D. Hollinger, from Greenville, were with us, and also the superintendent of the Old Folks’ Home at Greenville, Bro. Snowberger, was present, Bro. S. W. Blocker was chosen to take charge of the church at present. Our churchhouse, about one mile south of Hillgrove, Ohio, has for quite a long time gone by the name of Hillgrove house, but the name of the church now is Popular Grove church. Nov. 8 Bro. Henry Baker and wife, from the Palestine church, were with us. Bro. Baker preached in the morning and also in the evening. Our Sunday school is growing in interest and numbers. We are starting a school library. – Cora Bollinger, Union City, Ind., Nov. 19.
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 6, 1904 page 92 Vol. 43 No. 6 Palestine church met in special business meeting today Eld. D M Garver presided. Elders Jesse Stutsman and David Hollinger were present Two letters were received and one letter was granted. One sister was restored to membership. The members of this district mutually agreed to divide their territory into two districts, but will hold a communion together some time in the future. . Our meetings at Ft. Jefferson are full of interest and progressing nicely.-Irvin Royer, New Madison, Ohio, R. R. 2, Jan. 28.