Pleasant View Church (1918-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 21, 1918 page 813 Vol. 67 No. 51 Pleasant View.—In the Sugar Creek congregation there have been two churchhouse, At a meeting of the members In council, Nov. 31. Eld. G. A. Snider presiding, it was decided to divide the congregation. The member thought that either church had enough for a congregation and that division would offer more opportunities, and therefore greater responsibilities to more people. Dec. 6 the members of the East church met for organization. Bro. C. A. Saider presding. It was decided to call this church Pleasant View congregation. One letter was granted. Bro. David Byerly was chosen elder. All church, Sunday-school and Christian Workers' officers were elected. We decided to have preaching services each Sunday morning, following Sunday-school, and Christian Workers' Meeting each Sunday evening, followed by preaching. Our Christian Workers' Society has been remembering the boys in service from this place, "with a letter each month.—Ada Miller, Lima, Ohio, Dec. 9. |