Pitsburg Church (1914-)
The Gospel Messenger March 21, 1914 page 187 Vol. 63 No. 12 PITTSBURG, OHIO. Feb. 21 we organized a new local congregation. It is made up of the southern half of what was formerly called the old Ludlow congregation. This organization meeting was well attended, and our elder, Bro. Jesse Stutsman, presided. The visiting ministers present were Brethren Win. Minnich and John Christian, who gave us some interesting talks. The first thing attended to was the naming of our new organization. Two names suggested were "Pittsburg" and " Ludlow." By taking the vote, it resulted in calling it the Pittsburg church, because of our little village of Pittsburg,—the church being located just outside of the corporation line. This includes the Georgetown house also,—about five miles distant. The following committees were elected by ballot: Finance Committee, Brethren H. G. Bright, Davis Longanecker and Amzi Richard; Missionary Committee, Sister Susie Isenbarger. Brethren J. W. Eikenberry and Harry Delk; Temperance Committee, Brethren S. E. Delk, Chas. Hylton and Irvin Brumbaugh. Bro. J. W. Eikenberry was chosen clerk; Bro. H. G. Bright, treasurer; Sister Dora Binkley, Messenger agent; the writer, church correspondent. Last, but not least important, was the choosing of an elder for two years. Brethren Minnich and Christian gave some very impressive talks at this time. After a season of prayer, each member was requested to vote, and the lot fell on Eld. Newton Binkley. Bro. Stutsman, who has had charge of this congregation for a number of years, and has always been very successful, gave a short talk reeling to his service as elder, and thanked the members for their help in the past. He then turned the work over to his successor. Since our council, we were called together in a private house for a short service, at which time one was received by baptism. A few weeks previous to this, two men were baptized. One of the men was eighty-three years old. Our Sunday-school is moving along nicely. We have a good attendance every Sunday. Bro. J. W. Eikenberry is our superintendent. Ruth Delk. R. D 4, Arcanum, Ohio, March 4.