North Star Church (1885-1919)
The Gospel Messenger
Sept. 22, 1885 page 607 Vol. 23 No. 38 We held our council meeting on the 19th of August. A part of the business transacted was the important question of dividing the Oakland congregation. Some time ago the official brethren met and agreed upon a line. Their work was submitted to the church and accepted. The northern part of the church will soon hold a council, and if all is satisfactory, there will be two congregations instead of one, known as the Oakland and North Star churches. We had a pleasant meeting. One dear brother, who had been expelled some fifteen years ago, came to meeting to be reinstated, which was done, and before the meeting closed he arose and asked to make a few remarks, and said that he felt so much better than he did when he came to the meeting, and hoped the Brethren would pray for him. He had joined other societies, but the wooings of the Lord did not give him rest till he returned to Father's house again. When the meeting closed, the waters were again troubled, and two precious souls were led in and baptized, and arose, we hope, to walk in newness of life. Thus ended one more meeting here upon earth, in anticipation of that great meeting in the evening of this world. Amen. D. E. BOSSERMAN. Bradford, 0. |