Middle District at Tipp city (Good Shephard (1876-)
Brethren at Work Feb. 7, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 6 From Miami Co., Ohio. – This district (Middle) was organized one year ago last August. At the time of its organization it numbered forty-four; since that time thirteen have been added by baptism. There were officials when organized; viz, Samuel Coppock as minister, and Eli Shearer as deacon. Last Spring we held an election for two more deacons; the lot fell on Jacob Etter and David Sollenbarger. Last fall we erected a meeting-house 40x50 with basement. Although with our prosperity, we have our trials, for we are surrounded by almost every denomination. Sometimes we almost feel discouraged while we are battling against sin, for there are so many things to contend with, and the world is so slow to accept the simple plan of salvation of which Jesus has given to us. Brethren pray for us, for if we know ourselves we will walk in that narrow way that leads to eternal glory. Bro. G. B. Siler was with us on the 11th and preached four very interesting sermons. There were none added to church, but we think some good impressions were made. May the Lord bless him in his efforts in spreading the Gospel. O. F. Yount. Jan. 28, 1878. |