Maple Grove Church 1870-)
The Gospel Visitor Oct. 1870 page 317 Casstown, Miami Co., O. August 25th, 1870 I left my home on the 25th of April, and on the 20th met the brethren in the Ashland Church, Ohio. Assisted by Eld Joseph Rittenhouse in council with the church, we proceeded as the church had proper arrangements to divide the church into three parts by paying a visit to each member, and showing a plat of the new lines. All acquiesced in the movement; hence the Maple Grove church was cut off on the North and the Loudonville reorganized on the South, leaving the old Ashland church in the middle to bear its original name, Bro. Moses Weaver, the oldest minister in the old part, bro. Wm. Sadler, the oldest minister in the Maple Branch, and bro. Morgan Workman, the oldest minister in the Loudenville Branch, each having assistants in the ministry, and other officers to take care of the different branches. I make this report so that brethren wishing to pay the Ashland Church a visit will under stand, it is in three branches as stated above, and each branch will expect to share their part of the labor from traveling brethren. Now we trust God will bless his ministers, and they may feed the flock of lambs, and the sheep follow the good shepherd Jesus. H. D. Davy
The Gospel Messenger March 18, 1816 page 187 Vol. 12 FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, ASHLAND, OHIO. Since the last report in the Messenger from this place, the Brethren here have moved onward. . The work, which was then of a missionary nature, had such a growth that the mother churches,—Ashland (Dickey) and Maple Grove took steps, leading up to a separate organization in the city of Ashland. This was sanctioned by the District Conference and the newly-organized church elected deacons, trustees and other officials. Bro. Wm. Desenberg was chosen elder in charge, with Bro- T. S. Moherman as an associate in that office. The work in all departments has been much prospered. The Sunday-school has increased, until there is now an enrollment of 245, and our present house of worship has proved entirely too small. The Aid Society has been doing a fine work. Recently it made seventy-five pieces of bed linen for use in the Samaritan Hospital " of this place. During the past year the collections have taken care of afl expenses. Over $200 has been given to missions, and the Sunday-school and Aid Society have been able to lay by goodly sums for a better and larger churchhouse. We have just closed a series of meetings, covering three weeks. It was preceded by a week of prayer. The series of sermons was a spiritual uplift to the members.. Bro. Quincy Leckrone was in charge, and his sermons were on the fundamental doctrines of the church. The weather conditions were not the best, and sickness was among us, but the interest was good. As a direct result, eleven were added to the church,—seven by confession and baptism. One was reclaimed and three were received by letter. Our growth has been so great that we have found it necessary to add to our present house of worship. The plans call for the expenditure of about $6,000. A canvass of the membership is now under way to raise the required funds. We expect to build this season. P. A. Bailey. Ashland, Ohio, March 3.