Hicksville Church (1914-60)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 21, 1914 page 749 Vol. 63 No. 47 Hicksvllle.—We dedicated our church yesterday. Bro. G. W Flory. of Covington, Ohio, came to our assistance and preached on Friday and Saturday evenings and on Sunday forenoon, when the church was dedicated. He gave us five splendid sermons, full of the Spirit. One came forward for baptism. Both the aged and the young were deeply Interested. We feel thankful to Bro. Flory, to Bro. J. Harnish who led the singing and to the members from other congregations for their kindness in lending a helping hand In time of need Our church cost $2,570.51. We have settled the balance that was due. Our church will organize a Sunday-school Nov. 15. Our congregation will be known as Hicksville. -G. H. Killian, Hicksville, Ohio, Nov. 9.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 8, 1919 page 720 Vol. 68 No. 45 East Nimishillen church met in council Oct. 25, with Elders D. R. McFadden and A. H. Miller present. The former acted as moderator. We decided to divide our territory and organize two churches. Eld. S. S. Shoemaker was chosen as presiding elder for one year. As the love feast, which had been announced for Oct. 11, was recalled, we decided to hold it Dec. 27, beginning at 5:30 P. M. we will organize our Sunday-school at a special meeting. Sunday Oct. 26, was Rally Day. A good program was rendered in the lorenoon and in the alternoon we had a very able address on the great temperance issue. The speaker was Rev. Harry M. Kimball, of Canton, Ohio, manager of the Stark County Dry Federation. In the evening Eld. Wm. Bixler, of the Springfield church, preached for us. – A. J. Carper, Middlebranch, Ohio, Oct. 27.