East Dayton Church (1903-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 10, 1903 page 656 Vol. 42 No. 42 Dayton. – That part of Beaver Creek district known as East Dayton being given over to the elders of the Southern District of Ohio, they requested the adjoining elders of Beaver Creek to take charge of dispose of the matter as seemed best to them. Several council meetings were held at the East Dayton house, and as a result a separate organization was formed, to be known as the East Dayton church. Bro. Jacob Coppock was chosen as elder. Bro. David Stutsman was asked to assist with the preaching, to which he consented. The church wished a love feast with which to begin her existence as a separate organization, which was held Sep. 26. East Dayton church asks the prayers of all and invites those who can to give encouragement by their presence when possible. – J. C. Early, 1943 E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 3. |