East Chippewa Church (1921-)
The Gospel Messenger July 2, 1921 page 397 Vol. 70 No. 27 CHIPPEWA, OHIO March 27 our District Sunday-school Secretary, Sister Zuma Heestand, was with us at the Beech Grove house and gave many helpful suggestions. Our Sunday-school continues its growth and improvement. Some new equipment has recently been placed in the Primary Department. Our Christian Workers' organization is meeting every Sunday evening. Part of the session is devoted to the study of music, and the remainder of the time is given to a study of the Life of Christ. The outlook is very encouraging. April 26 we had the pleasure of listening to an inspiring song program by the Manchester Girls' Glee club, under the direction of Prof. B. F. Wampler. Mothers' Day was observed by a program in which all departments of the school took part. May 14 our regular council was held at the East Chippewa house, at which time it was decided, by an almost unanimous vote, to divide our congregation into two parts. June 4 we held a special council at the same place with Elders A. F. Shriver, A. H. Miller and Robert Moomaw in charge, to effect the division. The line was drawn, property divided and elders elected for each place. Eld. D. R. McFadden was chosen for the East side, and Eld. Robert Moomaw for the West. Because of various complications in the accounts it was decided to continue our Forward Movement financial work as an individual congregation for the remainder of the year. May 15 Eld. J. Edwin Jarboe and wife began their work in our congregation at the Beech Grove house. The first Sunday, by the splendid help of our young people, our entire field was quite well canvassed in the interests of the meetings. Though many were busy with corn planting, the interest began with the first service and was shown throughout by the fact that over forty were present at each service but one, during the entire period of two and one-half weeks. Bro. Jarboe gave, in all, twenty-one messages. His motto for our meeting was, "Take God at His Word." Sister Jarboe led us frequently in the consecration hymn, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord." Our friends and neighbors, as well as our own members, were much impressed by the powerful messages that were given us night after night. Twenty-one were added to the church —twenty being baptized and one received on former baptism. May 25 our Sisters' Aid met at the church and gave their time to Sister Jarboe. May 30 we held our love feast, with the largest number present that we have had for some time. Brother and Sister Jarboe are accomplishing immeasurable good in their clear-cut, God-fearing messages as they go from place to place, leading men to God and his service. Wooster, Ohio. Mrs. John Wieand. |