Eagle Creek church (1845-)
Christian Family Companion Jan. 12, 1868 Vol. V No. 2 Brother Holsinger; On account of my absence from home this fall and winter, I have not been able to act as agent for the Companion, until now. After I can home from Indiana brother Michael Bosserman wrote to me, requesting me to visit their church; that is, the church at Eagle Creek, Hancock Co., Ohio. I did so, and on the evening of the 5th Dec. I arrived at Dunkirk, Harden Co. Next day commenced a series of meetings in their meeting-house. Preached ten discourses there, and one in Dunkirk. We had 5 accessions; the meeting was well attended, and had good order. Brother Daniel and sister Elizabeth Rodabaugh were the first members in that church. The first discourse was preached by bother Jacob Crist in 1835, sometime in June. Their first Lovefeast was held in 1848. Elder J. Thomas preached for then at that time. At the same time they numbered only thirteen members. At the present time they number 107. – They have four ministers, namely, P. Freed, E. Beagle, D. Bosserman and E. Bosserman:; and eight Deacons. Within the last two years they have had an increase of thirty-six members. The church appears to be in a very prosperous condition. I also attended that series of meetings in Trumbull Co., Brother Brown and brother Murray had preached a few days before I got there. The meeting continued some nine days; had a very good meeting. May God bless the dear people with whom we have meet at those meetings and parted with. May he also bless every effort that is put forth for the saving of souls according to the Gospel. Jno. Nicholson, Multrie, Ohio |