Defiance Church (1924-)
The Gospel Messenger May 10, 1924 page 301 Vol. 73 No. 19 Defiance.-By the action of District Meeting of Northwestern Ohio, Bro G A. Snider, of North Manchester, Bro. E. 0. Norm, of Toledo, and Bro. D. P. Weller. of Dupont. met with the Poplar Ridge church at Defiance, Ohio, March 31, 1924, and took the voice of the Poplar Ridge church to organize the Defiance Mission into the First Church of the Brethren, of Defiance, Ohio. The action met with the hearty approval of the Poplar Ridge congregation, and the territory of the city of Defiance was organized, with twenty-two charter members. Organization was effected the same day, with the following officers: Bro. J. L. Guthrie, elder; Brethren Henry Lehman, Orville Noffsinger and Michael Kintner, trustees; Bro. Orville Noffsinger, clerk; Brethren Leonard Schroder, Benjamin Rupp and C. L. Kintner, ministerial committee; Sister Edith Kintner, correspondent and " Messenger " agent; Sisters Laura Knapp, Rosy Rupp and Edith Kintner, missionary committee. Following this organization, on April 2, Evangelist 0. P. Haines, of Lima, Ohio, began a series of evangelistic services, which lasted for nearly three weeks, ending Easter Sunday. It will be of interest to " Messenger " readers to know that Brother Haines used the first week and a half in teaching and preaching the great fundamental doctrines of the Bible as given by Christ to the Church. These great spiritual doctrines reached the hearts of the people, and the attendance grew from sixty-five the first evening to 220 on Easter night. Four souls were born into the Kingdom, and three reinstated. We all rejoice for the good that has been wrought during these meetings.—Mrs. Edith Kintner, Defiance, Ohio, April 28. |