Cleveland Heights: First (1921-80)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 5, 1921 page 91 Vol. 70 No. 6 CLEVELAND, OHIO " Something accomplished, something done." What can bring greater joy to the worker, than those words, truly spoken! The entire group of members in the Cleveland mission feels the great satisfaction that comes by way of real accomplishment. Hearts are filled with thankfulness to our Heavenly Father that his guidance has favored us. At a meeting held during last November, here in Cleveland, our elder, Bro. A. F. Shriver, our District Mission Board, our local executive committee, and Bro. M. R. Zigler—the latter representing the General Mission Board —jointly discussed all the important phases of the Cleveland work. With the definite assurances of cooperation from these parties and the assurance of the District Mission Board's willingness to complete our organization as a church, our local executive committee immediately set about to ascertain the prevailing sentiment. To this end the committee authorized the preparation of special ballots upon which each one might indicate his sentiment for or against a permanent church organization. It was specified that, should a two-thirds vote favor organization, each one should indicate his preference—either for a church organization of the mission type, under the direct supervision of the District Mission Board, or for a regular church organization, with the cooperation of the Mission Board. A pledge was enclosed with the letter, definitely committing the signer to give his moral, spiritual and financial support to the contemplated organization, if effected. Of the approximately eighty ballots distributed, fifty-six were returned signed, definitely assuring the personal, active support of all such. Fifty-four votes favored Remission type of church organization and but two votes preferred the regular church type. In addition to the above number of signed ballots, ten or twelve other persons verbally expressed their willingness of accepting the majority vote, thus assuring us of a definite membership of more than sixty, as a nucleus for our church work. The future is bright with possibilities. We shall need, most of all, a suitable churchhouse and an active pastor on full-time support. C. E. Copeland.
The Gospel Messenger May 21, 1921 page 334 Vol. 70 No. 22 THE WORK AT CLEVELAND, OHIO At our recent business meeting it was decided to hold our organization Services on Saturday evening, May 21, at six o'clock, at our regular place of worship, Superior avenue and East 110th Street. Immediately following these services we will hold our regular communion services. The officials who will preside at these meetings are: Eld. Aaron Shriver, New Philadelphia, Ohio; the members of the District Mission Board, and a representative of the General Mission Board. At the time named, our band of loyal, conscientious workers will be organized into a church mission, operating under the direct supervision of the District Mission Board. This is the event we have long looked forward to. To those who are to become charter members of the Cleveland mission, it means the privilege of embracing an opportunity which should be of paramount significance to all of us. To the church, it means the birth of another working unit, which, with proper parental care, can be made to grow into a strong, healthy church. We can thus pay back our obligation to the. mother organization and in time assist her in establishing like projects elsewhere. To the world at large it means another lifesaving station—a haven for the weary, sin-laden traveler. Homer E. Metzger.
The Gospel Messenger June 25, 1921 page 391 Vol. 70 No. 26 Cleveland mission was organized by the Northeastern District of Ohio, May 21, 1921. We had with us, for that occasion, Brethren H. H. Helman and M. M. Taylor, representing the District Mission Board also Bro. A. F. Shriver who, up to this time, has been our esteemed elder. Thirty certificates were presented for charter membership and others gave their names, desiring to unite with tie mission Immediately upon the conclusion of the organization, which was conducted by Bro. Helman, we enjoyed our regular spring love feast and communion. Bro. Taylor presiding. The following Lord's Day Bro. Shriver favored us with a helpful sermon. The work of these brethren, on this occasion, inspired new zeal in the hearts of our little band. The desire for a church home has been heightened. We are at present worshiping in a hall used by seven other organizations, and frequently for purpose. religious functions. We trust, however, that, by the help of God and the prayers of his people, we shall soon be able to worship in a house dedicated entirely to the Master’s service. – H. P. Harley, 2118 Abington Road, Cleveland, Ohio