Cincinnati Church (1921 - 80)
The Gospel Messenger Feb., 19, 1921 page 128 Cincinnati. Our work here has been going on very nicely. Three have been baptized since our last report. We have also organized the church, Our name is to be: ”First Church of the Brethren of Cincinnati.” We have forty-eight members enrolled. Brethren Charles Knoepfle, Clifford Johnson and Thomas Spangler were elected trustees; Mabel Knoepfle, church clerk and church correspondent; L. M. Denny, “Messenger” agent. After the organization, Brethren Landon Leaverton and L. M. Denny were called to the ministry and installed. We have organized our Sunday-school with Bro. Ray Kuns as superintendent. We had an average attendance of eighty-two at Sunday-school last year, with an average offering of $6.05 per Sunday. We now have 132 enrolled and hope for an average attendance of 100 for the year 1921. Our Mothers’ Meeting brings a good report also, and was reorganized with Sister Leatherman as president. – Mabel Knoepfle, 4152 Chambers Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 8 |