Cedar Grove Church (1941-)
Gospel Messenger March 22, 1941 page 28 Vol. 90 No. 12 Cedar Grove.—Following is an account of the organization of our church after becoming a congregation separate from Prices Creek. So much interest has been shown that the need was felt to organize our own church and to separate from the Prices Creek congregation, of which Cedar Grove has always been a part. It was believed that an organization here would create more responsibility among our local members and the service could be better adjusted to the needs of our community. On Feb. 6 the Prices Creek church met at our church to assist in this organization. Bro. E. R. Fisher, elder at Prices Creek, acted as chairman. Brethren Oliver Royer and H. M. Coppock represented our mission board. Several adjoining elders were present. Bro. Theodore Eley, pastor of the Harris Creek church, was chosen elder, after which the other necessary officers were chosen. The ministerial committee has secured Bro. Ira Blocher of Greenville to preach for the next few weeks. We hope to have the services of a summer pastor in a few months. The women and men have each organized for special work that can be done for our church and community. Several attended the women's and men's meetings at the Salem church Feb. 22. At the time of this organization our membership consisted of forty-five charter members and nine nonresident members.—Amos Hollinger, Hollansburg, Ohio, Feb. 28. |