Bellefontaine Church (1908-)
The Gospel Messenger April 3, 19019 Vol. 48 No. 14 Bellefontaine. – The Logan congregation met in council in Bellefontaine, recently for the purpose of organizing the Bellefontaine Mission into a church. Elders Samuel Driver and G. A. Snider were present to aid in the work, the latter presiding. It was decided to name the new church, “The Bellefontaine Church of the Brethren.” Officers were elected: Elder, Bro. B. F. Snyder; trustees, Noah Neer, Jacob H. Swank and Maion Maugus; clerk, Sister Bessie Kaylor; treasurer, Bro. Jacob H. Swank, and church correspondent, the writer. Sister Bessie Kaylor is to represent this congregation at the district meeting, and Bro. Jacob H. Swank at the Annual Meeting. Bro. A. B. Horst was chosen Messenger agent. Sister Bessie Kaylor is president of Christian Workers’ meeting, with Sister Hazel Bowman, secretary. Bessie Kaylor, leader of teachers’ meeting. if we can secure the services of Bro. J. W. Fidler, of Dayton, we will hold a series of meetings sometime during the coming fall. With Bro. A. B. Horst as pastor, we feel that much good can be done here. – Louella Z. Swank, R. D. 1, Box 82, Bellefontaine, Ohio, March 22