Beech Grove Church (1904-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 6, 1904 page 92 Vol. 43 No. 6 Palestine church met in special business meeting today. Eld. D. M. Garver presided. Elders Jesse Stutsman and David Hollinger were present. Two letters were received and one letter was granted. One sister was restored to membership. The members of this district mutually agreed to divide their territory into two districts., but will hold a communion together some time in the future, our meetings at Ft. Jefferson are full of interest and progressing nicely. – Irvin Royer, New Madison, Ohio. R. R. 2, Jan. 28.
The Gospel Messenger March 19, 1904 page 189 Vol. 43 No. 12 Beech Grove congregation, which used to be part of the Palestine church, met to-day for an organization, Eld. D. M. Garver presiding. Elders Joseph Longanecker, Andrew Miller and other visiting ministers were present. Three letters were received. The work progressed pleasantly I the selection of clerk, trustees, treasurer, correspondent, etc. we have decided that Eld. David Hollinger be our elders. Bro. Geo. C. Stump is to represent us at Annual Meeting. Bro. Solomon Bollinger and Daniel Hollinger at district meeting. we elected our Sunday-school superintendent for the coming season. Two letters were granted. This church will hereafter be known as the Beach Grove congregation. Bro. Garver preached four us the night of March 10. – Irvin Royer, New Madison, Ohio, R. R. 2, Mach 11.