Williston Church (1904 -1931)
The Gospel Messenger July 11, 1903 p 445 Williston. – The members of the Brethren church of this vicinity were made to rejoice yesterday. According to arrangements they met in the M. E. church in Williston at 10 A. M. for the purpose of considering the advisability of organizing a local church. Eld. Daniel Whitmer, of Tioga N. Dak., met with us to help in the work. After considering the work and the benefit to the membership it was voted to proceed to organize. Bro. Whitmer was chosen moderator for the day. The writer was chosen clerk and Messenger correspondent. Bro. W. W. Keltner was chosen treasurer and agent for the Brethren’s literature. Fifteen certificate of membership were read and accepted. There are more than that many members who have not yet received their certificates. We expect to hold a communion Aug. 1, beginning at 5 P. M. The place of the meeting will be at the home of the writer, ten miles due west of Williston. We have a flourishing Sunday school and have been enjoying some preaching services. We shall be known as the Williston church, with Bro. Daniel Whitmer as our elder. – D. F. Landess, Williston, N. Dak., June 28
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 22, 1906 page 605 Williston. – The council for his church was held at Bro. J. Caley’s place two and one-half miles west of Ray, N. Dak., Sept. 1. in the absence of Bro. Longanecker, Bro. J. W. Wageman presided. Bro. S. S. Petry assisted in the work. There was a choice made for a minister in the east part of the county. Bro. Morris Lough was elected and installed. Bro. Heinline was elected to the deacon’s office. Bro. Heinline was not installed owing to being away from home. Seven were received by letter. – D. F. Landis, Williston, N. Dak., Sept. 6.
The Gospel Messenger July 7, 1906 page 428 Williston. Bro. Paul Mohler of Cando, N Dak., and Bro. Jesse Funderburg, of Surry, N Dak., came into our midst June 9, and began a series of meeting. Bro. Mohler did the preaching and Bro. Funderburg directed the singing. The meetings continued until June 25, in which time nineteen sermons were preached excepting the preaching done during the love feast. Three were baptized, and the members were much encouraged. Our June council was held June 20, Bro. Longanecker, of Berthold, presiding. A location for a churchhouse was selected. Two deacons were elected and duly installed, Bro. John Beeler and Bro. Irvin Kauffman. There was a committee appointed to solicit the members for funds with which to build, also a committee to collect money for home mission work. The writer was selected delegate to district meeting; and the Sunday-school meeting. They love feast was on June 21. There was a good attendance. Several members were with us from the eastern part of the county. Bro. Mohler officiated at the meeting. –D. F. Landis, Williston, N. Dak., June 26
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 4, 1909 page 784 Williston church meet in council Nov. 13,. Elders John Wagenman and J. E. Keller were present. This meeting will answer for our regular council which would have been held Dec. 4. Considerable business came before the meeting. Officers for the coming year were chosen. Bro. D. F. Landis will be our elder for the coming two years. Bro. I. M. Kauffman was reelected Sunday-school superintendent. Sister Pearl Sperline is our church correspondent. Four letters were granted. Bro. H. A. Kauffman was advanced to the full ministry, also Bro. W. W. Keltner and the writer were advanced to the second degree of the ministry. All, with their wives, were installed. Bro. Keller remained with us over Sunday and preached two sermon for us. Bro. W. W. Keltner preached the Thanksgiving sermon at this church, after which a contribution was given for the China and World-wide Missions. The offering amounted to $240. 97, besides the dime collection of the Sunday-school scholars for the support of an orphan in India. – Abram Miller, R. D. 2, Box 114, Williston, N. Dak., Nov. 25.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 1, 1910 page 640 Williston. – Our church met in council Sept. 3, with our elder, Bro. D. F. Landis, presiding. Two visiting elders, Brethren J. G. Wagenman and John Hartsough, were present. Bro. Ora Meyer was elected to the ministry and duly installed. Two letters of membership were received and two were granted. – Pearl Spoerlein, Trenton, No. Dak., Sept. 17