Turtle Mountain Church (1899 - 30?)
The Missionary Visitor April 1919 page 117 Bethany Church Levi Fisher During the spring and summer of 1899 a few families of members from various place moved to homesteads in the vicinity of Perth, N. Dak. Sunday-school was soon started, as they desired to give some expression to that longing for fellowship and service, so characteristic of normal mankind. April 15 we held our first council meeting, at Bro. S. M. Neher’s with Bro. J. L. Thomas presiding. This being in the bounds of the Rock Lake church, yet a distance of about twenty-five miles from the main body of members, it was decided at this meeting that we form an organization of our own. Accordingly we met June 3 at the home of Bro. L. H. Beigh, with A. B. Peters, J. Bonewitz, and J. L. Thomas presiding. Our church officers were elected with Eld. J. L. Thomas, elder in charge. At different times the following elders, respectively, had charge of the congregation since its organization:, J. L Thomas, A. B. Peters, John Deal, John Brubaker, A. M. Sharp, J. D. Kesler, and J. C. Forney, who is our present elder. Eld. Hartsough was the only resident elder, and his lack has been a great misfortune to the Bethany church. We extend a hearty invitation to any elder who wishes to change locations to come and locate in our midst. Four minister and six deacons have been elected and installed into office in this church, one deacon being the writer. Who served only one year until called to the ministry. At present the official board consists of the writer as minister and Bro. Chas. Strietzel as deacon. We have received by letter and baptism about 175 members. A few have been claimed by death and a few were disowned. Over one hundred have been lettered out, and by dividing the District again about twenty-five have been set off in the Turtle Mountain church. Our present membership is thirty-seven (the writer’s wife being the only one of the charter members-, representing twelve families. A number of these are isolated. We have enjoyed fourteen evangelistic meeting. these special efforts have tended to keep the membership revival and to keep uppermost the spirit of helpfulness. We are contemplating a revival in June, conducted by Bro. D. M. Shorb, of Surrey, N. Dak. Pray for us, that many souls maybe saved during these meetings. Perth, N. Dak.
The Gospel Messenger June 17, 1899 page 381, Perth. – The members of the western part of the Rock Lake church met in council June 3 at Bro. L.H. Beigh’s to effect an organization. Elders J. Bonewitz, of Cando, were with us. The dividing line between this and the Rock Lake church is between Range 67 and 68. This organization will be known as the Turtle Mountain church. Bro. J. L. Thomas was chosen as our elder. It was decided to hold our love feast July 8, at 2 P.M. at our temporary churchhouse, six and one-half mile southwest of Perth. Our council, preparatory to our love feast will be held at the same place, July 4 at 2 P.M. – May Sherman, June 5.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 15, 1914 page 524 North Star. – a few members from the mountains, including the writer and family, had the opportunity of meetings with the Brethren at the North Star house at a council meeting, and enjoying a love feast. We decided to divide the territory, and have the members in the mountains organized into a body of themselves. The north have of this territory is to keep the old name, Turtle Mountain church. The members of the south half adopted the name of Bethany church. On account of the busy season we re not going to organize until after harvest. – Fred Schroeder, Berdella, N. Dak., July 20,