Sweetwater Lake Church (1895 - 1901) The Gospel Messenger Dec. 18, 1894 page 797 Rutten, N Dak., To-day we had our first meeting. I suppose it was the first one ever held by the brethren in Ramsey County. There were thirteen members present. It was held in a private house, which was well filled. Two other requests were made for meetings. On the 26th of last September we were the only family of Brethren located within forty miles of here. At this writing in the County, within an area of twelve miles, there are seven families of members which number twenty-five, only one official, a minister in the second degree. – S. N. Eversole, Dec. 2
The Gospel Messenger July 30, 1895 page 492 From the Cando Church, N. Dak. Recently we met in council and agreed upon a line, according to which we were then organized into a new congregation, namely the Sweetwater Lake District, composed of Thirty-five lay members, one deacon and two ministers. We have preaching every Sunday; also Sunday school each Sunday and social meeting every Thursday evening. July 14, after preaching, the writer lead a young sister, fourteen years of age, into the water, and baptized her in the presence of a large and solemn audience. This was the first instance of trine immersion tht the majority here ever saw, and the first to my knowledge, to have taken place in North Dakota. S. N. Eversole, Rutten, N. Dak.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 30, 1895 page 780, Sweet Water Lake Church, N. Dak. – We met yesterday in our regular services. Bro. G. W. Strong led in the preaching services, after which we went to Sweet Water Lake, where two were buried with Christ in baptism. We were all made to rejoice. – S. N. Eversole, Nov. 18.
The Gospel Messenger July 4, 1896 page 428 Rutten, N. Dak. – A few of the Brethren of the Sweet Water Lake church were made to rejoice today. Going to a neighbor’s house this morning, I was asked to baptize a husband and wife. After a thorough questioning of the applications, a few of us resorted to the lake where baptism was attended to. This makes seven since we organized a church in our new field June 29, 1895. – S. N. Eversole, June 16.
The Gospel Messenger July 11, 1896 page 445 Sweetwater Lake Church, Ramsey County, N. Dak. – We have just been privileged to enjoy a feast with the brethren and sisters in the far north. It was indeed a soul-cheering and spirit-reviving season of meetings. It was estimated that ninety-five members surrounded the Lord’s table. Good order prevailed throughout the services. Two dear souls were baptized on the day of the feast, one of whom was our daughter. Thanks be to God that our children are coming into the fold so young. – Marshall Colebank, Devil’s Lake, N. Dak., June 27.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 26, 1896 Page 682 From the Sweet Water Lake Church, Ramsey Co., North Dakota. This church was duly organized July 29, 1895, with about forty-five members. Bro. S. N. Eversole and Bro. G. W. Stong were the only ministers at that time. The church now has a membership of about eighty-five, with four minister and three deacons. We held our Communion June 28. It was a feast to the soul. Nearly one hundred members surrounded the table of the Lord. We also held our last quarterly council-meeting Sept. 24. On account of rain during most of the day, the attendance as small, but the business was disposed of to the satisfaction of all present, and, we trust, to the upbuilding of the church. Bro. S.N. Eversole was elected delegate to District Meeting. Isaac Wagoner.
The Gospel Messenger June 26, 1897 page 412 Rutten. – The Sweetwater Lake church met in special council May 29. Three members were received by letter (one a deacon). Two letters of membership were granted. Considerable business came before the meeting. We decided to hold our Communion July 17, commencing at 10 A. M. – S. N. Eversole.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 14, 1897 page 525 Sweetwater Lake. – We held our love feast July 17. it was truly a feast to the soul. The weather was pleasant and there was a good attendance. About one hundred communed. Eld. A. Hutchison, of Kansas, was with us and officiated. He gave us many words of encouragement. After the close of the meeting, one was received by baptism and we hope more will soon follow. – Isaac Wagoner, July 20.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 22, 1898 page 61 Sweetwater Lake. – We met in regular quarterly council Jan. 6. We had a good attendance and a pleasant meeting. Considerable business came before the meeting. Seven letters of membership were granted, and six were received by letter. Among them was bro. John Brooks and family, he being a minister in the second degree. His help is much needed here, in this new field. Our elder, J. C. Seibert, not being present, Bro. S. N. Eversole, by request, acted as moderator of the meeting. – Isaac Wagoner, Crary, N. Dak. Jan. 8.
The Gospel Messenger Aug.13, 1898 page 509 Sweet Water – I enjoyed my first Sunday school yesterday, with the Brethren in North Dakota, at 11 A. M. in the evening at 6:30 we met for preaching in a schoolhouse. Good attention was given to the Word preached. – D. S. Culp, Iola, N. Dak., July 31.
The Gospel Messenger August 11, 1900 page 509 Vol. 38 No. 32 Sweet Water Lake.—We met in special council July 27, at Bro. J. W, Brooks' home, Our elder, Bro. J. C. Seibert, was with us, also Eld. J. L. Thomas, from the Rock Lake church, who presided. All business before the meeting was very pleasantly disposed of. This church is much smaller in numbers than it has been in time past, on account of so many of the members moving to their homestead, For this reason, too, the center of the church has been moved, and established now in the J. W. Brooks neighborhood, which is in the vicinity of Iola post office and about fifteen miles northeast of Devils Lake, where we expect to have regular preaching every two weeks; we will also have preaching at other points. Our Sunday school is still working. — Albert Snowberger, Iola, N. Dak., July 29.
The Gospel Messenger April 27, 1901 page 269 Vol. 39 No. 17 Sweet Water Lake. – We met in council April 6. Our elder J. C. Seibert, and Bro. John Hartsough were with us. Everything passed of pleasantly. We decided to disorganize this church, but we will have preaching here in town every two weeks. Last Sunday Bro. S. N. Eversole, formerly of Plymouth, Ind., was with us and gave us one cheering sermon. - Bessie Stong, Devils Lake, N. Dak., April 16. |