Surrey Church (1901)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 3, 1900 page 653,Surrey. – We held a very pleasant love feast Sept. 29. Prior to the feast we held an election that resulted in the installing of Bro. Wm. Murriott and Bro. C. E. Dresher in the deacon’s office. Bro. A. W. Hawbaker and Henry Longanecker were with us. Bro. Henry Longanecker officiated. Many other were present and we feel that it stamped an indelible impression on the minds of all. - Chas. E. Fundenberg, Sept. 30.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 31, 1901 page 557 Surrey. – We met and were organized into a church and hereafter we will be known as Surrey. Eld. J. C. Seibert, of Cando, N. Dak., and Eld. A. W. Hawbaker, of Kenmare, N. Dak., were with us. We had a very pleasant organization. Several letters were read and accepted. Especially we appreciate Eld. Seibert’s good advice and counsel. Ministers Stephen Petry, of Berthold, and Charley Brown, of Grand Harbor, were also with us at our communion Aug. 17, which was well attended. A more pleasant and spiritual feast it has never been our lot to attend. About forty communicants surrounded the tables. We extend a hearty welcome to all visiting Brethren, and all others who feel to be with us. Eld. A. W. Hawbaker was chosen elder over this church. We have regular services every Sunday, Sunday school at 10 A. M., preaching services at 11 A. M. – Chas. E. Funderburg, Aug. 17.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 24, 1903 page 60 Surrey. – The series of meetings that has been going on at the Surrey church ever since the dedication, Dec. 28, closed last night with a good interest, the attendance was good. Eld J. H. Bradley did all the preaching, twenty-one sermons, but two sermons. A goodly number went to Mouse river to-day, five miles from the church, where the ice (Twelve inches deep) was cut and six precious souls were baptized by Bro. G. Stryker, all young people. Also one asked to be restored. We are glad we now have a good churchhouse; it was badly needed. – Henry Frantz, Surrey, N. Dak., Jan. 14.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 6, 1904 page 50 Surrey. - Our series of meetings was conducted by Eld. J. D. Seibert, of Cando. He delivered some very able sermons. July 23 baptism was administered. Three brethren – Chas. D. Labert, Anthony Sanger and Jola Milem – were chosen deacons, after which a refreshing love feast was held. Sunday morning the Sunday-school hour was used in short talks by Sunday-school workers. Closely following was the installing of the deacons named. A Collection of ten dollars was taken up for missionary purposes. We had four more services during the day. – Chas. E. Funderburg, Surrey, N. Dak., July 25
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 10, 1904 page 797 Surrey. – Nov. 24 Bro. J. C. Seibert and Bro. J. C. Forney came to us. Bro. Seibert preached our Thanksgiving sermon, after which a collection was held which amounted to $20.37. Bro. Forney preached Thursday and Friday evenings. Bro. Seibert stayed with us over Sunday. Our church decided to send Sister Marie Elker as a missionary to foreign fields, and we decided to use our thanksgiving offering as a small start for her preparation. Our church is still moving along in love and union. – Minerva S. Lanbert. Surrey, N. Dak. N. Dak. Nov. 28.