Red River Valley Church (1895 - 1910?)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 30, 1895 page 781 Red River Valley Church, N. Dak. – The members of this place met Sept. 7, to effect a church organization. Eld. J. H. Sellers, of Bourbon, Ind., presided. The writer was elected Secretary for the church. We have three ministers and two deacons. There are thirty-nine members in the District, scattered over considerable territory. We had two successful Sunday schools running in the Saturday evening, Nov. 2, which was truly a feast to the soul, although there were not so many members present as we were used to seeing in the East. It was one of the most enjoyable meetings we ever attended. Bro. Amos Peters, of Cando, officiated, he being the only visiting minister present. – D. W. Wolf, Mayville, N. Dak., Nov. 15
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 26, 1908 page 624 Red River churchhouse, 32x50 in size, was dedicated Aug. 30, Bro. Appleman, of Thomas,, conducted a two week’s meeting, closing Sept. 13, One was received by baptism. Our brother did commendable work in arousing the members to a more holy consecration of their lives to the Master’s service. On Saturday, Sept. 12, Bro. Marchand was called to the ministry, and Brethren G. A. Fillmore and Otho Pobst to the deacon’s office. In the evening forty-seven members surrounded the Lord’s table in a communion service, Bro. Appleman officiating. – A. B. Coover, Davidson, Okla., Sept. 14.