Kenmare Church (Formerly Des Lacs Valley)
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 7, 1897 page 509Kenmare. – The members at this place met July 17 to form an organization. Elders A. E. Weaver and J. P. Beagle were with us. Name of organization is “Des Lace Valley” church. One brother was called to the office of deacon. We decided to adopt the ballot system in electing of officers. We have two ministers and two deacons. Bro. A. E. Weaver, of Bowbells, has charge of this new organization. The members are conducting an interesting Sunday school here. – Ida A. Beagle, July 17
Other Sources: History of the Northern Plains 1884-1977 pages 183 -184 Missionary Visitor April 1919 Page 106