Miniters :
The Gospel Messenger July 30, 1910 page 493 Englevale church met in council July 9, we organized a church with Bro. Leander Smith as elder, and made a choice for deacon, Bro. D. H. Niccum was with us and preached four sermons. Three letter were received, and a collection of $10 was made. – Bessie Reed, Englevale, N. Dak., July 18;
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 3, 1910 page 796 Englevale. – Bro. J. R. Smith came to us Oct. 22. He preached eighteen sermons while with us, conducted one funeral, one council Nov. 5, and baptized two candidates. The next day he returned to Carrington, N. Dak., Nov. 7. Bro. Smith worked very faithfully while here. Good interest was shown at the meetings and some are counting the cost. Two accepted Christ as their leader. The members were greatly built up, and determined to make renewed efforts to secure a minister with a family that wish to help and be helped. Any one that would like to locate here, is requested to write our clerk, Bro. W. P. Reed. We also selected a location for our church and graveyard. Bro. L. H. Pilger gives the land, and Sister Elizabeth Kile gave $1,000.00 toward building the churchhouse. Eld. D. H. Niccum, of Bordulac, came to us Nov. 10, by order of the District Mission Board, to dispose of some work. Bro. Niccum preached three sermons. On Sunday Bro. Chas. Landis was installed into the deacon’s office. - Bessie Va. Reed., Englevale, N. Dak., Nov. 19. |