Missionary Visitor April 1919 page 104 The Ellison Church by Joseph Burkholder and Wife June 11, 1898, the members of the north end of the Cando church met at the barn of Bro Frank Brunas, to organize into a body by themselves, so as to do more and better work for the Master. This meeting was attended by about eighty-five members. Bro. J.C. Seibert and Bro. A. B. Peters, of the Cando church, were present to help in effecting the organization. Bro. Seibert was moderator. The name given to his body of members was Rocklake. There were in the territory two elders, Brethren J. L. Thomas and Joseph Holder; Bro. A. B. Woodard, in the second degree of the ministry, and four deacons. The territory was large, being fifty miles east and wet, and thirty miles north and south, with members scattered all over it. The first love, feast was held July 4, 1898, in Bro. Frank Brunas barn, with a large number of people. About one hundred members surrounded the Lord’s tables. In the spring of 1899, the territory being so large it was decided to organize Mountain congregation. At this time an effort was made to build a house of worship, but it failed to mature. The church had many ups and downs in its beginning, but came out all the brighter by passing through the trials Bro. J. L. Thomas was elder up to this time. Bro. Andrew Neher was now given the oversight. April 7, 1900, it was decided by the church to divide the territory again, and the West Rocklake church was organized, making the territory still smaller. Bro. J. L. Thomas was elected elder at this time. Another attempt was made to build a house of worship but it also failed. July l7, 1900, the first election for ministers was held, the lot falling on Brethren A.M. Sharp and J. M. Markley. At the same time and place Bro. J. H. Fide was ordained to the eldership. Bro. J. L. Thomas was elder till he moved away in the fall of 1900. Bro. J. H. Fike then took the charge and was elder till he also moved in April, 1901 Bro. Levi Mohler was then given the oversight of the church. April 26, 1902, Brethren J. W. Deardorff and R. M. Shook were elected to the ministry. April 26,1902, Brethren J. W. Deardorff and R. M. Shook were elected to the ministry. At this time the members of the south end of the territory began to make preparations to build a house in which to worship. It was completed in the fall of 1902 and was called the Pleasant View house. In the spring of 1903 the members at the north end of the territory build a house of worship, which was called the Ellison house. July 9, 1904, Bro. A. M. Sharp was ordained to eldership, and has since served this church at different times. In 1905 another election was held, the lot falling on Bro. Charles Deardorff to the ministry, and Bro. W. H. Deardorff to the deacon’s office. For about two years the north end of the territory had no minister, but the pulpit was filled by the brethren from the south end. Bro. J. H. Brubaker moved among us in the spring of 1906 and on July 9, 1906, was ordained to eldership and was given charge of the church. Now the church thought best to organize the south end of the territory into a body by itself, and it became known as the Egeland church. July 4, 1908, an election was held for a minister, the lot falling on W. A. Deardorff. In the fall of 1912 Bro, J. H. Brubaker moved away. Bro. A.M. Sharp again took charge until, in the fall of 1913, Bro. J.C. Forney of Kenmare, moved among us and was given charge of the church. In 1915 it was decided to change the name of the church to Ellison, as the name or Rocklake was rather misleading, since the churchhouse is seven miles east of the village of Rocklake. June 26, 1917, Bro. Lewis Hyde was elected to the ministry and is now attending Bethany Bible School. Since the organization of this church one hundred have been baptized, and 150 more received by letter. We have had an evergreen Sunday-school for twenty years. We have had a series of meetings of from two to three weeks every year since the church was organized in 1898. Everything seems to be in good working order, with a real live Sunday-school This congregation has entertained two District Meetings, one in July, 1909, and one in 1916. Rocklake, N. Dak.
The Gospel Messenger 06-25-1898 p 397 Vol. 36 No. 25Cando We met in special council June 11, in the northeastern part of the County, at Bro. Brunais' barn, to form a new organization. About sixty members were present, including nine ministers and seven deacons. The following officers were elected for one year: Bro. Joseph Burkholder, Solicitor; Bro. Frank Brunais, Treasurer. The writer was appointed Clerk of the organization and Correspondent to the Gospel Messenger. Brethren James Thomas and Joseph Holder are the elders in charge. Bro. J. Thomas is our delegate to the District Meeting of North Dakota, The council decided to hold a love feast July 4. at 2 P. M„ in Bro. Biunais' barn. This new organization will be known as " The Rock Lake Church." What was a lonely prairie, covered with badger mounds, four months ago, is now thickly settled with Brethren and friends. We have a growing Sunday school, with an average of about fifty, and preaching services every Lord's Day—E, N. Huffman, June 13.
The Gospel Messenger April 21, 1900 page 252 Vol. 38 No. 16 Rocklake.—We held our quarterly council April 7 at the Crocus schoolhouse. Bro. Andrew Neher, elder in charge, was present. Eight members were received by letter. Our territory being too large, thereby placing some of the members too far away to attend councils and regular church services, a request was made that we divide the territory into two congregations. It was decided by a very large majority to divide the territory. Eld. Neher requested to be relieved of the charge of the church, and Eld. J. S. Thomas was placed in charge. All members living on the west side of the line of division will be organized into a new congregation at Bro. John Eller's April 21, at 10 A. M.—E. N. Huffman, Cando, N. Dak., April 9.
The Gospel Messenger May 26, 1900 page 334,From Crocus, Towner County, N. Dak. The members of the Rock Lake district met in quarterly council at the Crocus schoolhouse, April 7. Bro. Andrew Neher presided over the meeting. Considerable business came before the church and was disposed of. The members on the west side of the district asked for a division of the church territory, which was granted. Rock lake district is now about nine miles wide and twenty-five miles long. The members of his church also met in special council May 5 at Bro. Brumaine’ house. Bro. J. L. Thomas presided. A large amount of business was brought before the church, and was disposed of in a kind and Christian spirit. We have decided to begin the erection of a new meeting house this summer. We will build out house thirty-six by fifty feet, with a basement under the whole building. Our love feast will be July 7, meeting will begin at 2 P. M. We have three Minister in our district now. – brethren J. L. Thomas, J. Fike and Martin Bueghly, - two regular preaching places, and active Sunday schools. The meeting closed with a good spirit prevailing. The future for the Rock Lake church looks bright at present. John M Markely May 10.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 19, 1905 page 524 page 524 Rocklake. – Aug. 6 was a day long to be remembered by God’s children at the Pleasant View house. Bro. Jacob W. Deardorff was advanced to the full ministry. Bro. Charles H Deardorff was called to the first degree of the ministry, and Bro. William D. Deardorff and Bro. James H. Barnhart were called to the deacon’s office. The installation services were conducted by Eld. J. C. Seibert, of Cando, assisted by elders John Diehl, of Snider Lake, and Levi Mohler. In the evening the Christian Workers’ met at 7 P. M., and at 8 P. M. Bro. Levi Mohler gave us a good discourse. – Uriah T. Forney, Hyland, N. Dak., Aug. Jan 23, 1904 page 61, The Gospel Messenger Rocklake church met Jan. 2 in quarterly council in the house near Ellison, elders John Diehl and D. Shorb being present with us. There was a good attendance of members, and the right spirit animated the meeting. All business which could be attended to was quietly disposed of that day. Among other items, it was decided to retain the present name of the congregation, but to name the house near Ellison the “Ellison house,” and allow the Brethren in the south end to name their own house, Paul Mohler was chosen assistant clerk, to record business transacted in the north end and report to the clerk, U. T. Forney. An election of deacons resulted in the choice of Bro. Lawrence O. Wells and Bro. M. M. Beeghly. Brethren J. B. Shank and Paul Mohler were advanced to the full ministry and the second degree respectively. Saturday, Dec. 19, Eld. Shorb, of Surrey, came to work with us. Each evening since, except one, he has preached at attentive audiences in the Ellison house. The attendance has increased steadily when the weather has permitted. Several day meetings have also been held. Last evening the mercury was sixteen degrees below zero, yet a large congregation assembled. Two Sunday-school scholars have come to Christ, and others, we think, will follow. The sermons have been strong, vigorous and enthusiastic. We are thankful to God for the revival of his work at this place. After the regular services on Sunday, Dec. 26, Sunday school was reorganized, with brethren Wm. Spidle and C. O. Wells superintendent and assistant respectively, and Davis Shank clerk. Sunday school starts off with a large attendance and, we hope, a solid foundation for good work. Paul Mohler: Lansing, N. Dak., Jan. 4.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 19, 1905 page 524 Rocklake. – Aug. 6 was a day long to be remembered by God’s children at the Pleasant View house. Bro. Jacob W. Deardorff was advanced to the full ministry. Bro. Charles H Deardorff was called to the first degree of the ministry, and Bro. William D. Deardorff and Bro. James H. Barnhart were called to the deacon’s office. The installation services were conducted by Eld. J. C. Seibert, of Cando, assisted by elders John Diehl, of Snider Lake, and Levi Mohler. In the evening the Christian Workers’ met at 7 P. M., and at 8 P. M. Bro. Levi Mohler gave us a good discourse. – Uriah T. Forney, Hyland, N. Dak., Aug. 7.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 17, 1907 page 524,Rock Lake church commenced a services of meetings July 13 continuing till July 29. Bro. J. W. Brooks did most of the preaching. Brethren W. R. Brubaker, John Deal and Paul Mohler each favored us with a sermon at times when Bro. Brooks could not be present. One precious soul applied for baptism. A choice was held for a deacon, the lot falling on Bro. C. E. Wells. He with his wife was installed July 27, the day of our communion. The communion was well attended and was spiritually uplifting. Bro. Brooks officiated. Bro. Garber, of St. Joe. Mission, preached for us on the afternoon of July 21, telling the conditions and the needs of the city. Bro. George Hylton was also present during the communion and gave us two missionary sermons. – J. H. Brubaker, Ellison, N. Dak., July 31.