(Enterprise, Zion) (1894-)
The Gospel Messenger July 24, 1894 page 461 From Cando, N. Dak. Our organization, with the Communion following on the same evening, if the Lord will, will take place Aug. 4. an invitation is extended to god’s children to be with us. We expect elders to be with us on this occasion. To-day we had two pleasant meetings, - one in the Cando courthouse ant the other at the home of brother and sister Beaghs, of North Manchester Ind. The latter reminded us of the apostles’ manner of worship from house to house. Our meetings are well attended for a new country, with good interest. When the dear members engage in the song or prayer service, it makes us feel that we are sitting together in heavenly places. Our dependence is in God, the Father, Christ, our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and the prayers of our beloved Fraternity. We have all the calls for meetings that we can fill. Our faith and practice, as a general thing, is new to these people.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4, 1894 page 558 A new Organization We left home Aug. 1 for Cando, N. Dak. We were joined at Walkerton, Ind, by Eld. Daniel Whitmer, of South Bend, Ind., and a number of other brethren, sisters and friends, until our crowd numbered twenty. Nothing unusual occurred during the trip. We reached our destination Aug. 3, and next day we met with the brethren and sisters who moved here last spring from different parts of Indiana. After deciding to organize, they handed in their letter to the number of seventy-nine. There are other who could not be present that will swell the number to about eighty-five members. Among them are four ministers and four deacons. They assumed the name “Cando Church.” This is the name of their town, and to get the proper Idea of the name. Accent it on the first syllable and give that “o” the sound of “u” and you get the idea that they can do much good if work harmoniously with the Lord. They are without an elder, but have two brethren in the second degree of the ministry, and as the nearest elder is 250 miles away, they decided for the present to not select and elder. On the same evening we had a love-fest that seemed to be enjoyed by all present. Outsiders present said they were favorably impresses. The outlook for the church at this place is encouraging, and by careful living we believe this church will become a nucleus from which other churches will grow. They have an excellent soil and plenty of water that is easily obtained. The climate is very healthy, and while very cold in the winter, yet owing to the atmosphere being so dry, the winters are not unpleasant most of the time. W. R. Deeter Milford, Ind.
The Gospel Messenger 06-25-1898 p 397 Vol. 36 No. 25 Cando We met in special council June 11, in the northeastern part of the County, at Bro. Brunais' barn, to form a new organization. About sixty members were present, including nine ministers and seven deacons. The following officers were elected for one year: Bro. Joseph Burkholder, Solicitor; Bro. Frank Brunais, Treasurer. The writer was appointed Clerk of the organization and Correspondent to the Gospel Messenger. Brethren James Thomas and Joseph Holder are the elders in charge. Bro. J. Thomas is our delegate to the District Meeting of North Dakota, The council decided to hold a love feast July 4. at 2 P. M„ in Bro. Biunais' barn. This new organization will be known as " The Rock Lake Church." What was a lonely prairie, covered with badger mounds, four months ago, is now thickly settled with Brethren and friends. We have a growing Sunday school, with an average of about fifty, and preaching services every Lord's Day—E, N. Huffman, June 13.