Brumbaugh Church (West Rock, Snider Lake) (1900 - 1939?)
The Gospel Messenger May 12, 1900 page 300, Cando. – We met at Bro. John Eller’s home, west of Rocklake, for the purpose of organizing a new congregation. Elder Myers and Holder were present, Bro. Myers acting as moderator. The organization was named “ West Rocklake” and Eld. Joseph Holder was chosen elder in charge. Our territory numbers about seven township. We have about seventy-five members. A churchhouse and cemetery site was unanimously located on Bro. L. J. Lenly’s farm. Brethren Joseph Holder and George E. Deardorff were elected delegates to District Meeting. – E. W. Huffman, April 25.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 22, 1900 page 718 Notice. – The West Rocklake church, in Towner County, North Dakota, assembled in council Dec. 1, 1900, change the name of their congregation to Snider Lake, to avoid confusion with the adjoining congregation’s name. – E. N. Huffman, Cando, N. Dak., Dec. 10.
Other sources: Missionary Visitor April 1919 page 105 |