(Wells County) (1902-30?)
The Gospel Messenger March, 2, 1901 page 140, Fessenden. – We held our council meeting Feb. 16 for the purpose of electing trustees to secure a church lot and gave lot. Brethren J. M. Fike, D. A. Kingery, and E. D. Fike were elected as trustees. The location for these lots will be taken four miles north of Bowdon, in Wells County. We also had preaching on Saturday and in the evening. The services were conducted by Bro. Fred Culp, of Carrington. On account of the disagreeable weather the meetings were closed and Bible meetings were held at J. M. Fike’s. We are very much in need of a minister in this locality. – Edith Fike, Feb. 19.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 25, 1909 page 621, Wells County. - The members in the west arm of the Wells county church will dedicate their new churchhouse Oct. 3. Eld. A. C. Young of Carrington, will preach the dedicatory sermon. Our love feast will be Oct. 2. Aug. 21 Bro. Niccum, of the James River congregation, preached three sermons in the east arm of the church and baptized five. Anyone, wishing to change locations, will do well to look up this part of North Dakota. Land can be purchased at a reasonable price closed to the church and four miles from town. - J. R. Smith, Heaton, N. Dak., Sept. 14. |