Berthhold Church (1901-46?)
The Gospel Messenger April 27, 1901 page 268, Berthold. – The brethren and sisters of this community met for the purpose of organizing a church. The matter will be presented to the church and elder of the Bowbells district for their approval. We also had services at the home of Bro. H. C. Longanecker. Bro. Longanecker preached for us. – U. R. McCorkle, April 13,
The Gospel Messenger May 18, 1901 page 316 Vol. 39 No. 20 Bethel. – We are now an organized church with a membership of Twenty-one. We also organized out Sabbath school, with Bro. S. S. Petry as superintendent. Bro. H. C. Longanecker was elected delegate to District Meeting, and Bro. S. S. Petry as alternate. – Uriah E. McCorkle, May 6.
The Gospel Messenger July 13, 1901 page 445 Berthold. – Our quarterly council was held June 29, with Eld. A. W. Hawbaker, D. M. Shorb and our home ministers. Brethren H. C. Longanecker and S. S. Petry presided. Considerable business, all of which was disposed of in a Christian spirit. The members were all present except one. One member was received by letter. We decided to have our love feast Sept. 28, 15 2 P. M. On the evening of June 28 Bro. A. W. Shorb gave us an interesting talk. – A. R. McCorkle, July 4.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 12. 1901 page 653 Berthold church met in quarterly council Sept. 27 with a good attendance. Brethren J. A. Weaver, A. W. Hawbaker, H. C. Longanecker and S. S. Petry were present. Considerable business was disposed of in love. Two members were received by letter, also two letters of membership were granted the Hollinger sisters, who will leave for others fields of Labor. We feel it a great loss to have them leave us. The church has called Bro. Adam Jones to the office of deacon. Bro. S. S. Petry was advance to the second degree of the ministry; also Bro. H. C. Longanecker was advance to the full ministry. We had our love feast Sept. 27. We had the pleasure of listening to several soul cheering sermons by Eld. J. A. weaver and A. W. Hawbaker. We had our children’s meeting on Sunday, conducted by Eld. J. A. Weaver and Bro. Asa Lanham, of Bowbells. – Uriah R. McCorkle, Oct. 3.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 1, 1903 page 492, Berthold. – We met in council July 4, elders J. A. Weaver and David Shorb being with us. All business was disposed in a satisfactory manner. Two letters of membership were received also one dear soul who had wandered from the fold returned. The day following was our love feast. At this meeting Bro. S. S. Petry was ordained to the eldership. Quite a number of brethren were present from distance and gave us many words of encouragement. – Alice M. Jones, Berthold, N. Dak. July 24.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 4, 1908 page 15 Berthold church assembled in quarterly council Dec. 21, with our elder, H. C. Longanecker, presiding assisted by Eld. D. M. Shorb, of Surrey N. Dak. we had a pleasant and profitable meeting. six letters of membership were granted. Bro. Chester Petry was called to the ministry, and duly installed by Eld. Short. Brethren John Frantz and Glen Mahugh were called to the deacon’s office, and will be installed in the near future. Bro. Chester Frantz as chosen church clerk. An offering of $17.27 was given for the world-wide mission. Eld. Short remained with us over Sunday, and gave us two good sermons. We also had preaching on Christmas. – Bessie Stong, Box. 312, Berthold, N. Dak., Dec. 26
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 1, 1921 page 13 Berthold church met in special council Dec. 8,with Eld. D. T. Dierdorff presiding, assisted by our elder. D. M. Shorb, of Minot, N. Dak., It was decided that our pastor, Bro. Jos. D. Reish, be ordained to the eldership. The charge was given by Eld. Dierdorff. The attendances and interest at our regular services has some what increased of late, owing partially to the beautiful fall and winter weather we have been enjoying. The work of our Aid Society is quite encouraging, as seemingly all are willing to do their best. A thanksgiving dinner was prepared by the Aid Society members and given in the churchhouse, after which a program was rendered under the auspices of the Aid Society. – Margaret M. Reish, Berthold, N. Dak., Dec. 14.