New Bethel Church (1903-42)
The Gospel Messenger August 22, 1903 page 540 Vol. 42 No. 34 Clifton.—The writer and W. A. Reed began a series of meetings under the direction of the mission board of North Carolina in Alleghany county, North Carolina. We began Aug. 1 and continued until Aug. 11. Eight made application to join the church; five were baptized. Several others will be baptized in the near future. We also organized a church at the same place, with seventeen members, under the care of A. J. Reed, of the Mount Carmel church.—Henry Sheets, Clifton, N. C, Aug. 12.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 3, 1903 page 636 Vol. 42 No. 40 Vox.—Elders W. H. Handy and A. J. Reed and myself held seventeen meetings at the White Rock church. Two were baptized and the church was revived. From White Rock W. H. Handy and myself came to New Bethel and held twenty-two meetings in the bounds of that newly-organized church and baptized five. Others will be baptized in the near future.—W. A. Reed, Vox, N. C, Sept. 22. |