Miami Church (1908-62)
The Gospel Messenger August 22, 1908 page 540 Vol. 47 No. 34 Miami. – The members at this place met at the rude, temporary home of Bro. A. Wampler Aug. 8, for their first council, held for the purpose of organization. Brethren L. D. Mohler and J. E. Crist, of Kansas, were with us, and conducted the meeting. Several other visiting members from Kansas, Indiana and Ohio were present. We shall be called the Miami church. Eld. A. Wampler was chosen elder; M. N. Mikesell, clerk; C. E. Metzger, treasurer; Cora Wampler, correspondent and Publishing House agent. Bro. Crist gave us a sermon on Saturday evening. Bro. Mohler preached on Sunday and Sunday evening on the subject of child nature and training. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely, with an increase of interest and attendance. Teachers’ meeting is held on Friday evening. Christian Workers’ society was organized some weeks ago with Sister Susie Senseman, president; Cora Wampler, secretary and treasurer. Several brethren have recently bought land here and, with others, who brought preciously, we soon hope to have a number added to our congregation. – Cora Wampler, Miami, N. Mex., Aug. 13 |