First Clovis Church (1907-)
The Gospel Messenger June 20, 1908 page 400 Vo. 47 No. 25 FROM CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO. June 27 Eld. C. H. Brown, of Lake Arthur, came to us and at 2 P. M. the same day a business meeting was held in our new churchhouse, Bro. Brown presiding. An organization of the second congregation of Brethren in New Mexico was effected, to be known as the "First Church of the Brethren," of Clovis, and including the Counties of Roosevelt, Quay, Torrance and Guadaloupe, in New Mexico, and the Counties of Parmer and Bailey in Texas. These last two counties are included in our organization, subject to the approval of any other congregation that may claim jurisdiction over that part of Texas, and notice is hereby served that, unless information is received on or before the time of our next council, to be held the first Saturday of September, 1908, the decision to include the two counties in Texas, named as belonging to the Clovis congregation, will stand as final. Bro, C. H. Brown was chosen as our elder for one year, the writer, secretary and treasurer. As trustees of our church property, Brethren A. J. Rodes, Jesse Metsker and the writer were chosen. Bro. John F. Metsker was elected to the office of deacon, and the next day he and his wife were duly installed. The membership of the congregation numbers sixteen at present, including three ministers and two deacons. Several other members, including an elder, have arrived recently, whose certificates of membership we expect in the near future. Crops are in fine condition and we look for a heavy influx of settlers during the coming autumn. We have a goodly land, many calls for preaching and a wide field for work in the Master's vineyard. We need more help in this good work, and extend the glad hand of welcome to any of the Lord's people who might be inclined to become coworkers with us in his service in this land of sunshine and plenty. James M. Neff. July 13.
The Gospel Messenger July 5, 1924 page 430 Vol. 73 No. 27 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE CLOVIS CHURCH Clovis church was organized June 27, 1908, with sixteen charter members. This was the second congregation of the Church of the Brethren in New Mexico. Much credit is due Bro. Neff, who served as pastor, for the early work of the church. Bro. C. H. Brown, of Lake Arthur, New Mex., was chosen elder at that time. In January 1909 Bro. Neff was ordained to the full ministry and chosen elder. June 5, 1909, seven members were received by letter. A revival was held in May 1910 by Bro. Bosserman, of Oklahoma. Bro. Brown was called as pastor in 1911. A revival was held in June 1914 by the District evangelist, Bro. J. H. Morris, resulting in twenty-two additions to the church. A revival was held the following year by Bro. Morris, which resulted in ten uniting with the church. Bro. Ira J. Lapp, of Miami, New Mex., conducted a revival in July 1916 when seven were added to the church. Other revivals were conducted the following years by Brethren H. B. Martin, of Darlow, Kans., B. E. Kesler, of Missouri, D. L. Miller, of Mount Morris, 111., and S. E. Thompson, of Garden City, Kans. These meetings brought many new members into the church. Eld. C. D. Fager, of Cedarvale, New Mex., was called as pastor April 18, 1918. Twelve letters were received in 1918 from the Pecos Valley church (disorganized). Bro. Thompson was called as pastor in June 1919. The District Meeting of 1921 was held in the Clovis church. In July 1923 Bro. E. F. Weaver, of Chicago, Ill., was accepted as pastor. The church now has a large building and an eight room parsonage free of encumbrance, the parsonage being donated by Brother and Sister A. J. Rodes. The church has a membership of one hundred and thirty-two members, thirty of these being isolated. Bro. Neff has gone to be with his Master. Bro. Brown is pastor at Lowell, Ark. Bro. Fager is elder of the church and resides here. Bro. Thompson? is pastor at Bartlesville, Okla., and Bro. Weaver is our present pastor. Clovis, New Mex. Mrs. Bessie Smith Niswander.