Turkey Creek Church (1876-1909?)
Primitive Christian Feb. 6, 1877 page 91 Sister Elizabeth Smith of Pawnee Co., Neb., January 7th, says: Our communion meeting on Saturday afternoon October 7th. Ministering brethren present were elder J. Lichty from the Pony Creek, and elder J. Forney and brother D. Fry from Falls City. We organized a church called the Turkey Creek congregation. In the evening we had our communion. There were thirty two members present. We had a good meeting. it was something new for the people and all were anxious to see and hear. Next morning early, we met again in the tent and after morning worship and breakfast were over and the work done, we met again and held a choice for a deacon. The lot fell on brother A. W. Miller. Preaching commenced about 10 o’clock. We had good preaching. All we heard speak of the meeting spoke well of it. One woman said it was the first meeting of this kind she was at but it was not the last. We hope she will not forget it. The church is growing some here. When we moved here one year ago last March we numbered eleven. Now there are twenty-one members. Four were received by baptism, the rest moved in, some from W. Va., some from Ohio, and some from Illinois. We have one speaker, and three deacons. We have meeting every Sunday and there are more calls for meeting. Could not some ministering brethren move into this part of the Lord’s vineyard, to help build up this church in the true light of the gospel? |