Swan Creek Church (1885-?)
The Gospel Messenger July 15, 1885 page 446 Vol. 23 No. 28 From the Swan Creek Church, Saline Co., Neb. The Swan Creek church as organized March 26, by A. Van Dyke and the writer, with about twenty members. Since that time one has gone to his reward, while the rest remain yet a little while to labor in the Master’s vineyard. Some are laboring, while other seem to be cumbered about many things, and do not seem to have time to work in the vineyard; and there are still others who are old and feeble and cannot work much and some are babes in Christ and want to work, but must learn what to do, and how to do it, and that requires teachers. – But we have no official members here, except one bishop, no deacons, no minister in the first or second degree, and I was just going to say to those deacons, and ministers, and bishop, and lay-members, that contemplate moving, and are full of the Holy Ghost, to come this way. We need you, and have room for you, and will welcome you amongst us, and will try to make you comfortable and happy. John J. Hoover |