South Lincoln (Lincoln) (1889 - ? )
The Gospel Messenger April 28, 1889 page 349 Vol. 27 No. 22 Another Church Organized. According to previous arrangements the brethren and sister of Lancaster Co., Nebr., convened in the Baptist Church of Jamaica, eight miles of Lincoln, May 11, for the purpose of organizing a church. After devotional exercises the following business was transacted in the fear of the Lord, Bro. B. F. Flory acting as Moderator. Elders present, M. M. Eshelman and G. W. Stanbaugh:
The church has a present seventeen members with the following officers, Brethren Isaac Thomas, Adam R. Smith and D. G. Couser, ministers. Brethren J. C. Peck and Aaron Kerschner, deacons. We were glad for the assistance and encouragement of the brethren present, who warmly exhorted us to simplicity, and general deportment, that we might be as shining lights, that others may see and walk in the path of right. W had preaching Friday night by Bro. Flory, and also Saturday night; Sunday at 11 A. M. and 3:30 P. M., Bro. M. M. Eshelman give us much to think about. We trust all will be benefited by his sermons. They will either do us good or bring condemnation upon the negligent. Some expressed themselves as being near the kingdom. We have three place meeting, and may soon have another in West Lincoln. Our weekly prayer meetings keep fresh in our minds the duties which we owe to God, and our fellow-men. May we all strive to preserve that simplicity which we find ever among God’s humble children. The Baptist minister was present when we organized, and remarked, “I am glad to see you Brethren take the stand you do in regard to non-conformity to the world.” Brethren, pray for us!
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 3, 1893 page 622 Vol. 31 No. 39 From Lincoln, Nebr. At a council, held in the City Hall, at Twenty-seventh and Holdredge Street, Aug. 19, a move was made to organize a church in the City of Lincoln. Elders present were brethren Owen Peters and J. L. Snavely. The new organization takes the name of :The Lincoln Church.” The old or original Lincoln church adopts the name South Lincoln church Bro. J. L. Snavely was chosen elder. The South Lincoln church retains Bro. Owen Peter as elder. As the Lincoln church is without a minister, they desire the aid of the Mission Board to give them meetings in the city. Our love-feast which was held at Jamaien, in the South Lincoln church, Saturday, Sept. 16, passed off very pleasantly to us. Bro. Jesse Heckler, of Elmwood, Nebr., and Bro. Jacob Ryan, of Alo, Nebr., Kindly come to assist us, and their labors were very much appreciated, as was shown by the good attention and good behavior on the part of the spectators during all the services of the evening. Sunday morning we enjoyed the lessons in Sunday school, after which Bro. Jacob Ryan spoke very earnestly. Bro. Heckler followed with appropriate remarks. D. G. Couser. Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. 17. |