Silver Lake Church (1893-1942?)
The Gospel Messenger March 28, 1893 page 204 Vol. 31 No. 13 Juniata, Nebr.-To-day, March 12, Eld. David Bechtelheimer preached his farewell sermon in the G. A. R. Hall, Juniata, Nebr., from Philpp. 2: 12 and 4:8. He gave the members and friend, some good advice. Many tears were shed. Eld. David Bechtelheimer is in his seventy-third year, has labored here eleven years, and leaves this church almost without a shepherd. There are left here twenty-four members. A short time ago the Juniata church was divided, by which a little more than one-half of its members were struck off. If some good minister would move here, it would be quite acceptable. – J. W. Gripe.
Note: Silver lake was part of the Juniata congregation before it was split off. |