Edison Church (Sappa Creek) (1882-1931?)
Brethren at Work Jan. 9, 1883 page 7 Vol. VIII No. 2 From Kearney, Neb. – Dec. 17. Dear Brethren: - On the 27th of November, Eld., Jacob Arnsberger and I met with the church of the Maple Grove Colony, Kan., in council. Had a very pleasant meeting, and after a day and night session, the trouble that were hanging over a part of this church, were all satisfactory settled, and much joy and love was manifested. The whole meeting was characszed with much Christian forbearance, but the closing scene was filled with emotions of the joys that were expressed freely in words and tears. On the 29th we met in council at the house of Bro. C. Davison, with the Brethren of Furnas and Harlen counties, Nebraska, for the purpose of organizing them into a church. – We found some twenty members here, with one minister. The name of this church is Sappy Creek church, Furnas Co., Neb. A choice was held for one minister and two deacons, the lot fell on Bro. T. J. Hickman for minister, and Christopher Davison and Luther Miller for deacons. Bro. Lomax Miller was advance to the second degree. May God give them grace to discharge the duties lid upon them. Bro. Hickman is a young brother, and has been a minister in the New Light church. It is said he turned from his former faith, and was baptized in the Brethren Church. It is said he turned form faith, and was baptized in the Brethren church, before he heard the first sermon preached by the Brethren. Here we found a number of young Brethren, mostly from Somerset Co., Pa. We continued our meeting a few evenings, and three were baptized on the fires of December, and added to the Sappy church. The prospects are good for more. Ministers visiting isolated churches should remember the Sappy church. Correspond with Lomax Miller, Precept, Furnas Co., Neb., or J. P. Nofziger, Orleans, Harlan Co., Neb. The Brethren in the Wood River church, Buffalo Co., Neb., will commence a series of meeting, the Lord willing, three miles north of Kearney, Jan. 7, 1883, to continue ten days for two weeks. A hearty invitation to brethren and ministers to be with us through these meetings. Brethren desiring to located in the West, will do well to come and look at our country soon,. There are some choice farms for sale here at present. Land is going up fast. Markets and conveniences are good here. S. M. Forney.