Red Cloud Church (1908 - )
The Gospel Messenger May 30, 1908 page 349 Red Cloud church met in council May 16, with Bro. Mishler, of Cambridge, Nebr., and Bro. Rothrock, of Carlisle, Nebr., to assist in the reorganizing of the church. Bro. Mishler presided. It was deemed necessary to divide the church territory, making the Republican River the dividing line. This part will be called the Red Cloud church. We elected Bro. C. B. Smith as our elder, and as most of the old officers were on the Red Cloud side, we simply retained them. Everything went off Pleasantly. We met at 7 o’clock for communion services, with a goodly number of worshipers around the tables, and quite a number who, for the first time, partook of the sacred emblems. We had a very enjoyable feast. – Ella I. Eshelman, Red Cloud, Nebr., May 20. |