First Omaha Church (1911-63/64)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 5, 1929 page 14 Vol. 78 No. 1 The New Church in Omaha The new First Church of the Brethren, Fifty-first and Lake Street, Omaha, Nebr., was dedicated Nov. 18 by Eld. J. W. Lear of Elgin, Ill., Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Weaver organized the church in Omaha about twenty years ago at Twenty-second and Miami Street. Rev. Weaver served the church for ten years as pastor following its organization. Other who have had pastorates in Omaha are: Brethren W. W. Blough, Falls City, Nebr.; J. J. Johnson, Springfield, Ohio; and Milton D. Royer of Wichita, Kans. L. A. Walker is the present pastor. In August, 1927 the old church and parsonage were sold to the colored Methodist people who were coming into the neighborhood in large numbers. This plant was only about fifteen years old. A good location in a new part of the city was secured and the outlook for aggressive work is very encouraging. The new structure is of English design, constructed of clinker and brick and stone. The total cost of the church, lots and equipment is approximately seventeen thousand dollars. The church is composed of about seventy working members, and is partly under the support of the District Mission Board of Nebraska. The indebtedness on the church and parsonage is about $6,000. Omaha is a growing progressive city of 220,000 and the Church of the Brethren should have a bright future in this great metropolitan center. Omaha has good schools and universities, and those who are contemplating a change in locations are invited to consider Omaha as a future home. Omaha, Nebr. L. A. Walker