North Beatrice Church (1881 - 1816?)
Brethren at Work Oct. 25, 1881
page Vol. 6 No, 41
The Pilgrim July 13, 1875 page 446 Vol. VI No. 28 Edgar, Neb. July 1st, ’75. Bro. Brunbaugh: - I wrote last to you from the county seat of Pawnee Co., Neb., under date of June 5th. That night we had meeting in Gage Co., near Isaac Fry’s 6th we had two meetings at 11 a. m., S. C. Stump at one place and I at another, also at night, 7th council meeting at brother George Girl’s house, to organize a church. The officers elected at this time were Wm. Price minister to the first degree, and Isaac Fry deacon. This is called the Beatrice church. Meeting at night in town in the Baptist house. 8th went to Thayer Co., to A. Horner’s house, meeting in Belvidere at night, and also on the 9th. From here we went to Filmore Co., and on the 10th had council. At this place we had six meetings and a communion meeting, and a choice for two to the ministry. Benjamin Stump and Thomas Vanburen were chosen; a. Horner was chosen deacon. Six more were added by baptism. Here about 70 members were present. Brother A. Ives from White Rock church, Amos Reed and Keith from Mill Creek church, Urias Shick and Wm. Krise from Beatrice, S. C. Stump and writer were the ministers present. Here brother Stump stared North-east, and I South-west to Clay Co. On the 15th had meeting in this place, Edgar, thence in company of Allen Ives to Jewell Co., to their Lovefeast on the 19th and 20th, at the house of David Ballerd. Here we met some 70 brethren and sisters. We also met Bro. D. O. Brumbaugh from Osborne Co., Solomon Valley church, with some of the laity of that church. Brethren James Baily and Paul Porter were promoted to the second degree of the ministry. The Lord added six more unto the church. At this feast there was a large audience, and the best of order. 21wt se came to Daniel Shook’s and had meeting at night 28th to Salem, Jewell Co., and had meeting at night. 29th to brother Grubb’s, meeting at night. This finished our labors on this tour of love. We give God the glory for all the good we enjoyed. We are so far on our return home toward Falls City. John Forney. Sen
Brethren at Work Nov. 8, 1881 page 584 Vol. 6 No. 43 From Allen Boyer, - Left Lena, Illinois, the last day of June, (accompanied by my wife) for the West. Traveled by private conveyance. On our way we stopped at Adel, Iowa, and remained there about nine days, visiting our daughter, and brethren and sisters and friends. ……. On the 18th of July we again resumed our journey. After passing through various place, we reached Sabetha, Kansas, July 24th. Visited members and friends, and our daughter and son-in-law, Samuel Kreitzer. On the 22nd of August we started for Washington, Kansas, and arrived there on the 24th. Took up our abode at brother Samuel M. Merkey’s; looking up the members here, making arrangements for a Love-feast and having a few meetings here. Left on the 29th for Diller, Nebraska, where brother John Fritz resides. Here we had a pleasant evening meeting…… Next morning again repaired to Washington, and arrived Sept. 9th…….On the 12th took wife to Hanover to take the train for Sabetha, (where our daughter lives) I remaining with the Brethren, accompanied by a brother. We looked up all the members we could find in the county…… ON the 24th we had the first council meeting ever held here. On investigation we found that there had been nineteen members, but one of then, a sister, has gone to the Advents; one brother and sister declined coming to the meetings, having no certificate, and saying they did not know where to write for one. Sixteen were considered in good standing. One dear old brother that has been here twelve years and not been to meeting all that time, seems to be greatly revived, and wants to continue to hold to the old landmarks. Most of the members came from Swatara, Berks Co., Pa., and speak the German language…. At their council the following resolutions were unanimously passed: 1st. That when this body is organized, it shall be known as the Washington church. 2nd. That we will maintain the general order of the Brotherhood, as handed to us by our fore-fathers, and respect the council of the annual Meeting. 3. That we will practice the so-called double mode of Feet-washing. 4. That we will used the fresh expressed juice of the grape for communion at our first Love-feast. 5th That brother John Gauby is to take charge of all the papers of the church till the proper officers shall be established. This was a very agreeable council meeting; everything passed off harmoniously…. On the 1st and 2nd of October attended Love-feast at brother S. M. Merkey’s. Sixteen communed. Brother John Forney, from Abilene, and brother Samuel Honberger, from Missouri, were present. During this meeting brethren John Gauby and Jacob Merkey were elected deacons. Brethren Gauby was properly installed; brother Merkey being absent to Pennsylvania, will be installed when he returns…. On the 6th, I left Washington for Diller. Attended and evening meeting. Found brother Fritz quite sick in bed….On the 8th and 9th we attended the Beatrice Feast. This meeting was a large one. Elder John Forney and John Snowberger did the preaching. This meeting was a large one. Elder John Forney and John Snowberger did the preaching. This congregation saw proper to divide in two, and to ordain two elders; brother Archy Van Dyke was ordained to take charge of the north, and brother Uriah Shick to assist brother Henry Brubaker in the southern division. Had an excellent meeting. after meeting I started for Sabetha….. Expect to reach home in about a month….. We feel very thankful for the favors shown us by the members and friends with whom we met on our mission. The Gospel Messenger Feb. 27, 1897 page 141 Beatrice, Nebr. – The North Beatrice church met in council Feb. 6, this being our annual council. Our elder, Bro. Shick, and elders Kendig and Peters were present to attend to the work assigned then by the elders of the District. Brethren C. B. Smith and A. D. Sollenberger were ordained to the eldership. The work at this place is moving along nicely. At present Bro. J. E. Young is conducting a series of meetings in Pickrell. So far one has made application for baptism. Our love fest will be May 8, beginning at 4 P. M. – M. L. Sollenberger, Beatrice, Nebr. Feb. 15.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 24, 1901 page 540 Vol. 30 No. 34 North Beatrice.—The evening of Aug. 13 closed a very instructive and helpful series of meetings conducted by Eld, A, Hutchison, of Kansas. Five were received into the church by baptism, Our council meeting was held Aug. 10. All business was disposed of pleasantly. Bro, Edward Price was elected to the ministry, and brethren Harvey Netzley and Lester Sollenberger to the deacon's office. All are young in years.—A. D, Sollenberger, Pickrell, Nebr., Aug. 14
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