Lute Church (1898 - ?)
The Gospel Messenger March 5, 1898 page 157 Vol. 36, No. #11. Lutes. – Bro. S. M. Forney held a number of meetings for us, and baptized three, May 24. He came back in August and held a services of meetings and baptized eleven. November, 1897, brethren S. M. Forney and J. L. Snavely came to us and held meetings, with one baptized, and duly organized a church with a membership of sixteen. Bro. H. A. Wells was chosen to the ministry. Brethren F. D. Keys and I. M. Drain were chosen deacons, and Sister A. I. Bills was chosen as Secretary. Our church is to be called the Lutes Brethren church. Feb. 5, Bro. Archy VanDyke held a series of meetings, and two united with the church by baptism. We now have a membership of eighteen, and feel that God is blessing us. . Amelia Bills, Lutes, Keyapaha Co., Feb. 24
Lute is only several mile south from the North Dakota boarder |