Logan Grove Church (1910 - 20?)
The Gospel Messenger April 2, 1910 p 221 Vol. 49 No. 14 Gandy. – The members of Logan County met at the home of Brother and Sister S. B. Anderson, near Gandy, for the purpose of organizing a church. Elders Levi Snell and George Mishler of Cambridge, Nebr., were present. The name of the church will be Logan Grove. Officers for the year as follows: Eld. Levi Snell, elder in charge; Sister Mary Henninger, clerk; Bro. Benton Andrews, treasurer; Sister Ingabee Andrews, correspondent and Messenger agent. Brethren Stephen and Benton Andrews were chosen as deacons. With their wives, they were duly installed. It was decided to choose a deacon, but there being a tie, both were accepted. We will have a love feast soon. – Ingabee Andrews, Gandy, Nebr, March 22.
From the 1916 District Meeting It was stated that the disorganization of Logan Grove Church completed. |