Highline Church (Highland) (1889-1919?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 17, 1889 page 798 Vol. 27 No. 50 At my last writing I was at Bro. Wm. Sandy’s, Lincoln County, Nebr., where I held seven meeting with good interest. The one brother and two sisters, composing the membership, were much built up. From there, Bro. Wm. Sandy took me, Oct. 28, top Chase County, where there is a small organization. I held seven Meetings there with good attention and good interest. I was next taken to Hayes County, to where my daughter lives. Here I had only two appointments. Then I went North to frontier County, where there are a few brethren. Bro. Wm. Colebank is their minister. Here Bro. G. W. Stanbaugh, from Cass County, met me and we held meetings on Saturday evening and Sunday forenoon. One was baptized and one reclaimed. We had meetings also on Sunday night. On Monday we had council-meeting and organized the little band of brethren into working order. They held a choice for a minister and two deacons. The lot for the former fell upon the young brother that was baptized the day before. Alford Philips. The two deacons chosen are Benjamin and Oliver Lapp. May the Lord bless them and enable them all to prove faithful in their several calling. We had meeting on Monday night and on Tuesday, in the forenoon, at which time three more were reclaimed. Bro. Stambaugh now had to leave and left the writer to continue the meetings until Saturday night, when another was reclaimed, making in all, five reclaimed and one baptized. I next went to the place where Bro. Alford Philips lives, where I held two meetings, which encouraged them very much. Then I left for home, where I arrived in safety and found all well. Eld David Bechtelheimer, Juniata, Nebr.
The Gospel Messenger June 20, 1893 page 380 Vol. 31 24 From Highland Church, Nebr. Our love-feast is in the past. Many communed with us who never before had communed with the Brethren. May 25 our dear elder, G. W. Stanbaugh, came to us and commenced preaching. May 27 we had our feast. We were made glad to see, on Saturday evening, brethren J. E. Young and Lomax Miller. They remained over Sunday and labored for us. Bro. Stambaugh continued the meetings until the 29th. He leaves for home to-day. The meetings closed with thirteen baptized, Six added by letter, and four other applicants for baptism. Many more are coming soon. The church is greatly revived. We now number forty-four members. This church was organized Nov. 11, 1889. We have two ministers, Wm. J. Colebank and A. Phillips. Bro. Christian Lapp, from Missouri, is visiting with us at present. The church id spiritually built up at this place. Benjamin Lapp. Farman, Nebr.