Golden Spring(s) Church (1887-?)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 1, 1887 page 75 Bro. T. J. Redding give us an account of the organization of the Golden Spring church, Burt Co., Neb. Last spring Bro. Shrine, of Indiana, visited and preached for them, and baptized twelve. Later, Bro. Trostle, of Iowa, preached for them a short time. In the fall brethren Stanbaugh and Moomaw met with them, and completed their organization, with brethren Redding and George Blue as ministers, and brethren C. Buchan and Hiram Grothy, deacons. Bro. Stanbaugh is their elder. After the organization was effected, a love-feast was held, and six more were added to the church by baptism. They expect brethren Shrine and Snowberger to be with them in the near future. A great interest is manifested in the work, and they ask an interest in the prayers of the brethren that the good work may not be hindered.
Gospel Messenger Mar. 1, 1887 page 138, Vol. 25, No. 9, From Golden Spring, Nebr. Last winter, Mr. George Blue, of this place, visited Indiana. While there, he united with the church, and then induced Bro. R. J. Shreve to come here and preach the gospel. He reached Golden Spring, March 2. Just then the Adventists were holding meetings, and it was nearly a week before he had an opportunity to preach. On the following Sunday evening he commenced preaching, and continued ten days, when thirteen were baptized. Soon after this, Bro. Trostle, of Iowa, came and preached three sermons, and partly organized the little band into a church. Recently brethren Moomaw and Stambaugh came and finished the work of organization. Brethren George Blue and Lewis Redding were called to the ministry, and Charles Buchanan and Hiram Grothby to the office of deacon. At this writing, brethren Snowberger and Shreve are holding meetings. There is a good interest manifested. M. F. Redding.