Glen Rock Church (1895-1916?)
The Glen Rock church was organized about 1895 and was last listed in the Nebraska District minutes in 1916. Like many new brethren churches in Nebraska, the Glen Rock church start off as what was known as a family churches. It was made up mostly of the Reed and Maxcy families and their in-law that come west from Floyd Co. Virginia. The first known members to have move into the Glen Rock area were that of James D Maxcy and family about 1885 from Floyd Co. Virginia. In August of 1895 Charles Smith from Beatrice, Nebr. administer over a love feast and then stayed and held three weeks of reveal meetings with the help of William Mohler from Falls City church. 10 were received in to the church by baptized form these meetings.
Beside the above ministries James A. Stouder of Falls City, Nebr., Amos J. Nickey of Juniata, Nebr., J. Edwin Jarboe, Elder Jesse Heckler of Alvo, Nebr., Elder Levi Snell and George Mishler both of Cambridge, Nebr., and John L. Snavely also held revival meetings over the years for the church.
Members lived in the areas of Peru, Glen Rock, Auburn, Brock & Julian communities.
Highland Baptist church house was used for regular worship services, revivals and Love-feast before 1907. In a council meeting on Nov. 28, 1907 it was stated that a site for a church was selected and Brethren E. M. Reed, W. I. Dickerson and Sister Maxcy were chosen to solicit funds for the same.
The Nebraska District Meeting minutes have the following information. In 1910 & 1911 it showed that the congregation had a church house. In the district meeting of 1905 it showed a membership of 51 (the highest number ever list for this church) But for the years of 1910 & 1911 it showed 43 church letters were granted for members moving out of the area. In 1915 there was only 18 members listed.
After 1916 nothing else was heard from this church.
List of elders that had over sight of the church: Elder Andrew S Culp 1900 - 1901 Elder James W. Gish 1902 - 1904 but lived in the South Beatrice church area Elder John C Woodie 1905 -1907 Elder George William Ellenberger 1908 - 1911 Elder W. W. Blough was elder of the church from 1912 to 1916 but lived in Falls City, NE
Elders & Ministers: Elder Andrew S Culp moved in from Kentucky on 07-24-1900 Elder George William Ellenberger move in from Missouri in 1907 VanKirk Maxcy elected to the ministry Feb. 23, 1907 in the Glen Rock Cong. Elder Andrew G Reed elected to the ministry Aug. 37, 1898 in the Glen Rock Cong. Elder Elias Madison Reed came from Floyd Co., Vir. in 1904 Quincy D. Reed elected to the ministry Feb. 23, 1907 in the Glen Rock Cong. Henry H Ross moved in 1901 from Thomas County, Kansas, move out in 1904 Elmon Sutphin elected to the ministry Feb. 23, 1907 in the Glen Rock Cong. Elder John C Woodie moved in from Scottville, NC in 1905
Deacons: Harry Bridge was elected as a deacon on Sept. 26, 1903 in the Glen Rock Cong Wm Ira Dickerson was elected as a deacon on Aug. 25, 1906 in the Glen Rock Cong John W. Maxcy was elected as a deacon on Aug. 27, 1898 in the Glen Rock Cong Caleb O’Neal was elected as a deacon on Aug. 25, 1906 in the Glen Rock Cong. Elijah Reed was elected deacon in 1896 in the Pleasant Valley church, VA
Members: Harry Bridge & Laura (daughter of Andrew S. & Sarah A. Culp) Deacon Annie Bigler (daughter of Andrew S. & Sarah A. Culp) Andrew S Culp & wife Sarah A. Mattix Elder L. Cabot Collins & wife Martha J. (daughter of Thomas & Sarah Reed) M. Lafe Collins & wife Margaret “Mattie” J. (daughter of Thomas & Sarah Reed) D. Belle Dickerson Wm Ira Dickerson & wife Mary A “Manie” (daughter of Thomas & Sarah Reed ) Deacon George W. Ellenberger & wife Mary G. Polk Elder George W Garst & wife Sarah M. May Ezra Lapp Alice Maxcy (daughter of Charles & Miriam Reed) Charles L Maxey & wife Miriam A. (daughter of Thomas & Sarah Reed) Ellen Maxey James D Maxey & wife Louisa M. (daughter of Isaac & Elizabeth Maxey) John W Maxey & wife Delilah (daughter of Thomas & Sarah Reed) Levi Maxcy Sarah Maxey (wife of Thomas who died in Va.) Stephen T. Maxey (son of Charles & Miriam Reed) Van Kirk Maxcy Minister Caleb O’Neal & wife Deacon D. Maxey Quellhorst Andrew G Reed & wife Minister Elias M Reed & Maude Frances & daughter Elijah Reed & Mattie E Maxey (daughter of Levi & Martha Maxey) Deacon M. A. Reed & wife Susan B. Swift Quincy D Reed & wife Minister Virgie Reed W. D. Reed Henry H. Ross & wife Amanda C Schrock & daughter Minister Elmon Sutphin & Sarah Maxey Minister Mary J Swift John C. Woodie & Wife Elder
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 3, 1891 page 683 Vol. 29 No. 43 From Glen Rock, Nebr. I have been taking the Messenger for nearly two years and am well please with it. I do not see how any member can afford to do without it. I have been in this State for six years, and attended but on Dunkard meeting in this town. There are six members within three miles of here, and two more are coming from Virginia, my brother and his companion. That will make eight members living nearby. We have no preacher, so I think some good brother ought to come here, organize us into a church and put us all to work. This is a good place for the Brethren to build up a church. Those who have heard the Brethren preach, like them. I pray that this County may not be neglected any longer. Please send us a brother to hold some meetings. I will keep a minister free of charge, just as long as he will hold meetings, and I will also pay my part toward his expenses. There is a Methodist church here that we can get any time. This village is three miles North-west of North Auburn, the County-seat of Nemaha County. James D. Macey Glen Rock, Nebr.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 10, 1898 page 573 Vol. 36 No. 36 Glenrock. - Bro. J. L. Snavely began a series of meetings here Aug. 321. Aug. 27 we held a council. Bro. C. L. Maxcy was elected delegate to our next District Meeting. Bro. A. G. Reed was chosen to the ministry and Bro. J. W. Maxcy to the office of deacon. at our love fest the following ministering brethren were with us: J. L. Snavely, James Gisb, Wm. Mohler, and ----- Humbarger. Twenty-four members communed. - M. A. Maxcy, Aug. 30.
References: District Meeting of the State of Nebraska, minutes for the years 1891 to 1916 The Brethren Encyclopedia Vol. 1 page 551, Vol. 3 page 1594, 1608, 1705, 1745, 1746, 1755, 1788, 1816 Brethren Family Almanac 1900 - 1910 Article out of The Gospel Messenger Nov. 3, 1891 page 683 Vol. 29 No. 43 Aug. 26, 1895 page 557 Vol. 33 No. 35 Sept. 24, 1895 page 621 Vol. 33 No. 39 Jan. 18, 1896 page 45 Vol. 34 No. 3 Sept. 10. 1898 page 573 Vol. 36 No. 36 March 16, 1901 page 173 Vol. 39 No. 11 June 15, 1901 page 380 Vol. 39 No. 24 Oct. 19, 1901 page 39 Vol. 38 No. 42 Nov. 12, 1901 page 701 Vol. 39 No. 44 Dec. 28, 1901 page 828 Vol. 39 No. 52 Sept. 12, 1903 page 588 Vol. 42 No. 37 Oct. 17, 1903 page 669 Vol. 42 No. 42 June 25, 1904 page 416 Vol. 43 No. 25 Oct. 15, 1904 page 669 Vol. 43 No. 42 Dec. 10, 1904 page 797 Vol. 43 No. 50 April 1, 1905 page 205 Vol. 44 No.13 April 22, 1905 page 252 Vol. 44 No. 16 June 10, 1905 page 365 Vol. 44 No. 23 August 12, 1905 page 508 Vol. 44 No. 32 Sept. 9, 1905 page 572 Vol. 44 No. 36 Sept. 16, 1905 page 589 Vol. 44 No. 37 Dec. 2, 1905 page 773 Vol. 44 No. 48 March 10, 1906 page 156 Vol. 45 No. 10 Sept. 22, 1906 page 605 Vol. 45 No. 38 March 30, 1907 page 204 Vol. 46 No. 13 June 8, 1907 page 364 Vol. 46 No. 23 Sept. 14, 1907 page 589 Vol. 364 No. 27 Dec., 7, 1907 page 792 Vol. 46 No. 49 June 13, 1908 page 380 Vol. 47 No. 24 Aug. 15, 1908 page 525 Vol. 47 No. 33 Aug. 29, 1908 page 557 Vol. 557 No. 35 Dec. 12, 1908 page 809 Vol. 47, No. 50 Aug. 28, 1909 page 556 Vol. 28 No, 35 April 23, 1910 page 268 Vol. 49 No. 17 Oct. 29, 1910 page 701 Vol. 49 No. 44
Obituaries: Ezra Lapp The Gospel Messenger July 2, 1904 page 430 Vol. 43 No. 27 Mattie Reed Collins The Gospel Messenger March 22, 1913 page 190 Harry E Bridge Gospel Messenger March 21, 1953 page 27 Laura Culp Bridge Gospel Messenger, Oct. 21, 1950 page 28 Stephen T Maxey The Gospel Messenger Aug. 21, 1926 page 542Elijah Reed Gospel Messenger June 21, 1930 page 399 Levi Maxcy The Gospel Messenger Sept. 25, 1897 page 622 Mary J Swift The Gospel Messenger June 6, 1907 page 403 Andrew S. Culp The Gospel Messenger April 12, 1902 page 238 Vol. 40 No. 15 & Auburn Post, 21 February 1902, Page 1 Henry H. Ross The Gospel Messenger May 20, 1905 page 317 Vol. 44 No. |