Filley Church (1886-1911?)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 7, 1886 page 556 Vol. 24 No. 35 From Filley Church, Gage Co., Neb. According to request I will let the brethren know what we are doing and what we have done. On Aug. 21, we, the brethren and sisters of Filley, Nebraska, assembled at the home of Bro. J. S. Stutzman to organize ourselves into a church. Bro. Archy Vandyke was present and was assisted by Bro. Lamar, of Sterling, Nebraska; hence the results were; we were organized upon the principles of the Gospel and the advice of Annual Meeting. We chose Eld. Henry Brubaker, of South Beatrice Church, to preside over us. Bro. J. S. Stutzman was elected clerk and Sister Allie Stutzman, Treasurer. We have no minister and we will gladly give information to any ministering brother who desires to be useful, for there is a good opening for an ingathering of souls. Will some brother offer to come and help us? the Lord has a people here and they are hungering for the bread of life. W. H. Miller,
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1888 page 299 Vol. 26 No. 19 Sister Nellie L. Peters, of Filley, Nebr., writes: “We, the members of the Filley church, met in council Saturday, April 14. All business was disposed of pleasantly. We held an election for a minister, which resulted in the choice of Bro. Wm. Miller. Our little church is in peace and union. Two were received by letter at the council, and five a short time before.