Dorchester Church (1878-93?)
Brethren at Work Feb. 28, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 9 From J. R. Cripe. – Your paper comes regular. It is the only preaching we have here. We live 40 miles from the church. My wife and I have been the only members here for a long time; but some of our children have now come to the church, and some have moved here. In all now we number nine. – Dorchester, Neb. Feb. 18, 1878
Brethren at Work June 13, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 24 From Crete, Neb. Dear Brethren: - On this beautiful Sabbath morning I will try to let you know how Zion is prospering in this part of the brotherhood. Though we are but few in number, we are still trying to live in such a manner as may be well-pleasing in the sight of God, and a light to the church of man. Bro. S. C. Stump from Falls City came to us May 4th and held some meetings at Dorchester and vicinity, which resulted in some good, as there were three made willing to come out on the side of the Lord, to declare by the act of baptism, that they tired of the sinful pleasures of the world. This gave us much cause to rejoice, and I believe that not only we were made glad, but that also the angels in heaven rejoiced to see sinners turn to Christ. Two of those baptized were man and wife, and while witnessing their baptism, we were made to think how appropriate and evangelical it is, to see the heads of a family enjoying the same privilege of worshiping, and engaging in all the other ordinances for God’s house in the same manner. Surely, the blessings of God will rest upon every family, where His name is honored. I do which that our Brethren would send out more missionaries into the world to proclaim the Gospel of peace to every creature, for it is often asked: “What kind of people are the Brethren? The doctrine is so strange; we have not heard such preaching before.” There is a great anxiety manifested by all, to hear the Brethren preach, and it is our prayer to God, that their desire may be satisfied at no distant day. L. Sutphin
Brethren at Work Sept. 19, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 28 Love-Feast The 25th of September, commencing at 2 o’clock. P. M., 2 miles east of Dorchester, Saline Co., Neb.
Brethren at Work Oct. 10, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 41 From Crete, Nebraska. – Our Love-feast is among the things of the past. The congregation was rather small but we had the best of order. It was the first thing of the kind, that ever occurred in this vicinity. The remarks were made, while the Brethren were seated around the table, observing the solemn ordinance of feet-washing and Lord’s Supper, that that resembles the picture of the last supper the Savior ate with his disciples. And O, how solemn it seemed to your unworthy brother, to see all seated there, about to commemorate the death and suffering of our crucified and risen Lord! O, brethren and sisters, let us take courage and thank the Lord of heaven and earth as the apostle Paul did when he saw the Brethren at the three taverns. Ministering brethren with us, were S. C. Stump, from Fall City, Henry Brubaker and Uriah Shick, from Beatrice. Under the circumstances the Brethren thought it advisable to partially organize a congregation, which they did, electing two deacons: the lot falling on Bro. Kelley and the writer. Lafayette Sutphin